Ch 9: Before the Storm

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[Chapter 9: Before the Storm]


Rosewood Hotel, Beijing;

DoamingSi is standing in front of a mirror. He's fixing his hair while holding a jar of wax in his other hand.

"It'd be better without that." Lei suggested. He is behind AhSi, sitting comfortably at one corner of the bed.

AhSi raised an eyebrow. "You think?"

Lei nodded slowly. AhSi shrugged and placed the wax down on the table.


The Chen's Mansion, Beijing;

The wedding was set up beautifully. All of QingHe's and LiZen's relatives and close friends were able to join the couple in the celebration.

LiZen had always dreamt of a garden wedding, and QingHe was able to give this to her.

Shancai, as the groom's best friend, was the one in-charge of welcoming the guests.

Every female guest was asked to wear a pink dress while men were asked to wear a black tuxedo and white button down shirt. Even little Fai was forced to wear a mini tuxedo which made the child very unhappy.

"Little Fai, please stop pulling on your shirt." Mrs. Dong asked. She was gently removing Fai's fingers from his shirt.

The F4, XiaoYu and XiaoZi arrived at the mansion at the same time.

"Welcome everyone!" Shancai greeted cheerfully.

Lei nodded and slowly walked to their table.

"Oh! Mama-Shancai is looking great!" Meizuo teased.

"Shut-up, MeiZou." Shancai chided playfully. "XiaoZi, welcome." She smiled at the young heiress.

ZiaoXi pouted and pulled Shancai in a tight hug. "Stop being a stranger, Shancai!"

Shancai smiled and hugged the woman back.

"Where is he?" XiaoYu asked excitedly. Ximen was standing next to her holding her bag.

Shancai let go of XiaoZi and looked at her best friend. "Who?"

Xiaoyu, with her hands clasped together on her chest jumped closer to Shancai. "Your son!"

"Oh!" Shancai understood. "Just the table in front."

XiaoYu nodded and pulled Ximen inside the room. He was trying to say something to Shancai but the latter failed to hear it.

Shancai chuckled at the scene and watched the couple happily walked towards the said table. 'It seems like the infamous playboy is now a tamed man. Good job, XiaoYu!' She cheered.


A clearing of throat made Shancai looked back at the next guest.

"DaoMingSi." She said. "Welcome to QingHe's wedding." She added with a forced smile.

DaomingSi felt the indifference and pouted. "You don't have to be like this, y'know." He said frankly.

Shancai sighed. "I'm not gonna deny and pretend that's everything's okay." She said softly. " make me feel uncomfortable."

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