Ch 16: Encore

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"What do you mean, ma?" Zhuang asked.

The Daoming siblings watched their mother navigate thru her phone then showed them her phone's screen.

DaomingFeng's next words made Zhuang gasped in surprise and AhSi's fists clenched tightly.

"DongShancai is getting married," The Daoming matriarch stated and watched her children's astonished expression. " TianYe."



[Chapter 16: Encore]



"NO, AHSI!" Zhuang immediately stood in front of her brother and grabbed his raised fist with her two hands.

AhSi's glare was cold. The only thing that is standing between him and his happiness is the woman whom he called mother. How pathetic. "I will kill you." He whispered threateningly.

DaomingFeng was unfazed and was just staring at her children.

Zhuang held AhSi's fist tighter. "AhSi, this is not the time for you to lose control." She spoke softly. "Shancai and Fai need you."

Upon hearing those precious names, AhSi gently pull down his fist back to his side. "Shancai....Fai." He repeated and met his sister's eyes.

Zhuang nodded. "Find a way, AhSi. I know you can."

AhSi slowly nodded.

"It's over."

Both AhSi and Zhuang turned to meet their mother's cold eyes and smiling lips.

"Stop this game, AhSi." She added. "You've played this game long enough."

AhSi smirked. "Just watch, I will make you pay."

DaomingFeng raised an eyebrow. "You're just my son."

AhSi's smirked was replaced with a dark glare. "I was never your son." He answered. "I've always been just a part of your chess pieces, waiting to be used at the right time."

Zhuang clenched her fists and a single tear fell from her right eye.

AhSi's eyes became gently as he moved his gaze towards his sister. "This ends today." He uttered directing his statement not just for himself but for his sister as well. "Your manipulation stops here." He finished and stepped away from his sister, passing his mother and towards the door.

"You will not win, AhSi." DaomingFeng said without looking at her son.

DaomingSi turned the doorknob and left the room.

Zhuang took a deep breath and straightened her back. "Good bye, ma." She said and walked past her mother, leaving the DaomingFeng alone in the room.

DaomingFeng walked closer towards the nearest window and peeked down, watching as Zhuang drove away with her car.


Daoming Mansion, Fai's room;

"Fai? Son?"

AhSi slowly opened the door and looked around the quiet room. "Fai?" He called again as he noticed the little boy standing on a chair looking through the window. He let his eyes roam around the room, his toys were left untouched all he could see are some marks on the carpet, as the little boy pushed the chair closer to the window. "XinFai?" He tried again.

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