Ch 5: The Interlude

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[Chapter 5: The Interlude]


Beijing, outside the Airport;

Shancai attentively watched the road, waiting for QingHe's car to drive in. She's holding Fai who is sleeping quietly on her chest. She told TianYe that she would prefer QingHe to pick her up at the airport. Though againts it, TianYe agreed at the end.

Shancai smiled upon seeing the familiar yellow car of her best friend. QingHe #2.

The car stopped in front of them and QingHe stepped out of the car. Her smile widened upon seeing LiZen exit the car as well.

"Welcome back, Shancai!" LiZen greeted, smiling sweetly. "Oh ~ little Fai is already asleep." She said upon noticing Fai.

Shancai looked at Fai and beamed. "He's been sleeping since our plane arrived. This boy could sleep anywhere."

"Here, let me help you." LiZen gently took the boy from Shancai and cuddled him close.

Shancai smiled and watched Fai settle with LiZen.

"You can stay with us till your vacation is over then we'll fly with you to Hunan!" QingHe bubbled. "I've been wanting to see Uncle Da Nian and Aunt Zhang Li. We have to formally invite them to our wedding!" He added.

LiZen squinted and threw QingHe an irritated look. "At this modern age and time, you're the only person I know that would give his wedding invitation personally."

QingHe annoyingly looked at LiZen. "You don't understand! Doing this would guarantee every one of our guests to be at the wedding! Didn't you say that you want to get as many red envelops as you can!" He retorted.

"Yeah! But I didn't tell you to travel all over China!" LiZen snapped back.

Shancai chuckled. These two will never change. They bicker all the time but still stick together like glue. They somehow reminded her of-she shook her head. She better stop her brain from thinking of 'him'.


The three quieted down upon hearing Fai's soft voice.

"Oh, you're bickering woke him up." Shancai chided.

QingHe and LiZen both embarrassedly looked way.

Shancai smiled at this and pushed her luggage toward the car. "Let's go."

QingHe smiled and nodded. He then quickly opened the car's trunk and helped Shancai with her luggage.

The 4 left and went straight to QingHe's house.


The Camel Sports Bar, Shanghai;

Ximen and XiaoYu are sitting together at the couch with Meizuo and XiaoZi sitting across from them. Lei is sitting at a stool behind the couch, quietly enjoying the bar's music.

"AhSi would be back soon." Ximen said and took a sip of his beer.

XiaoYu frowned at this.

Meizuo nodded and interestingly watched XiaoYu's irritated expression. "Well, it's been awhile. I'll be glad to see the four of us together again in Shanghai. Right, XiaoYu?" He teased.

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