Ch 14 : Tremble

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[Chapter 14: Tremble]


"I'm leaving."


Ximen couldn't believe his ears. 'Did he hear this idiot right? He's leaving?'

AhSi watched Ximen's usually composed face flashed different emotions in second. "Wait, bro--"

He didn't see it coming.

The only thing he felt was a painful pressure hitting his jaw. DaomingSi lost his balance and fell on his back.

Lei was fast enough to cover Fai's eyes and quickly picked up the boy to bring him to the other room.

Meizuo immediately went to where his two friends are. "Hey! What's happening here?!"

DaomingSi was dumbfounded. His eyes were blankly staring at the floor with his left hand keeping him elevated. He could taste the metallic taste of blood starting to flow from one side of his lips.

Meizuo stood in front of Ximen facing AhSi. "Bro, what happened?"


DaomingSi was awoken from his shock by the quick steps he could hear coming from his back. He felt Shancai helping him to get on feet. "Oh my goodness...are you okay?" She asked with her voice full of concern.

AhSi could only stare back at her worried gaze.


DaomingSi heard Ximen say.

Shancai stood in front of AhSi and faced Ximen. "What's the idea Ximen? You dare do this on my son's birthday?"

Her voice fell on deaf ears. Ximen stepped forward and gently pushed Shancai away to walk closer to AhSi. "I've had enough of your shit."

Shancai's eyes widened. For years that she had known Ximen, she never once heard the well-mannered man loose his etiquette. His words were always eloquent, clean and controlled.

Meizuo squinted and threw a questioning glare at AhSi. "What is it this time, AhSi?" He asked. His frustration was apparent on his voice.

AhSi gently shook his head and wiped the blood off his lips.

He looked behind him and met XiaoYu's eyes. "Could you ladies step out for a bit?" He asked and moved his unexpectedly calm gaze to meet Ximen's angry eyes. "We have to talk."

XiaoYu worriedly looked at her boyfriend but he was not seeing her. She sighed and walked closer to Shancai pulling her away.

"W-wait!" Shancai protested.

"Shancai." XiaoZi warned and placed a hand on Shancai's shoulder. "Let's go for now."

Shancai bit her lip and tried to meet AhSi's eyes but the man was busy staring at his friend. She gave up and let the other two women take her out of the room.

As the girls leave the room, AhSi let out a deep breath and stared at the ceiling. "Just relax, will you?" He uttered.

Ximen raised an eyebrow and stepped back. "What's your deal, AhSi?" His voice was low. "I'm starting to hate this game."

MeiZuo stood beside Ximen and placed a hand on his hip. "Guys, I dunno what the hell is wrong with you two but this is so un-cool." He looked around the supposed to be happy room but all was left was silenced and a heavy atmosphere. "This is your son's birthday." He said while looking at AhSi worriedly.

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