Ch 13: Choices

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[Chapter 13: Choices]


DaomingSi smiled and buried his nose to her hair. "Later." He answered simply, his voice sounding relax and content. "Just let me hold you."


Shancai gently placed her hands on DaomingSi's chest, signaling the man to loosen his embrace.

DaomingSi gently let her go and settled his hands comfortably on her waist.

Shancai didn't protest and just looked up, meeting DaomingSi's soft gaze. "Ahsi..." She called.

DaomingSi smiled and raised an eyebrow, waiting patiently for her next word.

His smile made Shancai blushed. She swallowed and slowly shifted her gaze away from his smug face.

DaomingSi chuckled and pulled her body closer. He felt her body jumped a little but was glad that she did not step away. He looked down and tried to see her face but she was looking down and all he could see was the top of her head.

'She's so cute.' He thought. "What is it?" He asked with smile.

Shancai bit her lower lips and whispered something.

DaomingSi squinted. Her voice was too soft. "What did you say?" He prodded. "I didn't hear you!"


Her words were all tangled up but he could understand them well. He choked. "W-what?!"

Shancai raised her arms and forcedly removed DaomingSi's arms on her waist.

DaomingSi stepped away and watched Shancai turned her back on him.

"You heard it, I'm not gonna repeat it." She said frankly.

It was DaomingSi's turn to blush. He consciously scratched his hair and stared at Shancai's back. A boyish smile plastered on his lips. "Um...I...Do you..." He can't seem finish his words. "Um...Are you...Are you okay with it?" Finally, he was able to complete his question.

He saw Shancai's shoulder move up as she took a deep breath. "I think it's only right." She answered.

DaomingSi straightened up and placed his arms on his side. "I'm okay with whatever you want, Shancai." He stated calmly. "Whatever you want to give, I'm willing to accept. I don't want to force you."

Shancai was quiet. The only sign that she heard him was the little movement of her hands as they tightened on the shirt she was wearing.

DaomingSi continued. "I've made up my mind a long time ago. I will continue to support you both. Even from a distance. If this is what would make you feel the safest." He explained.

Shancai slowly blinked her eyes, processing his words.

He has always been a man of unshakable determination. Once he thought things clearly, he always tries to keep his words.

She has always been his top priority. Never once has she doubted his strong love for her.

"Zhang-jie told me that..." DaomingSi stared at Shancai's dark hair. "...whatever you do now is for our son." He swallowed and felt his fists tightened. "I will respect that, as long as you're happy."

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