Ch 6: Trembling Hearts

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[Chapter 6: Trembling Hearts]


TianYe remembered that neither of them have clicked on the floor and was about to press on the number, but DaomingSi moved quickly and pressed on the penthouse floor.

TianYe saw DaomingSi smiled arrogantly and chose to ignore him. 'He can't believe that Shancai loved the guy. He's like a 10-year old boy in a man's body.'

The elevator reached the floor. DaomingSi once again nudge TianYe and quickly stepped out of the elevator.

TianYe did nothing and simply followed DaomingSi.

Meizuo was the first person to see DaomingSi came. "Woah! AhSi!" He called.

DaomingSi ignored Meizuo and sharply glared at TianYe. The man was approaching QingHe and LiZen. Congratulating the couple.

Shancai quietly watched at the corner of her eyes. 'If she doesn't move, they probably won't notice her.' She thought.

Meizuo and Ximen looked at DaomingSi, their eyes filled with amusement.

"Looks like your grand entrance didn't work." Meizuo teased.

"Shut up!" DaomingSi snapped at him. His eyes pinned at TianYe's every move.

XiMen smiled and took a sip of his wine. "When did you arrive?"

"Oh, he's been here since last night." XiaoZi answered with a playful look on her eyes. "He wanted to surprise us but I think he was surprise to see TianYe instead." She chuckled.

DaomingSi's suddenly looked alarmed. He noticed TianYe slowly approaching Shancai's table. He quickly stood up and made his way to Shancai.

Meizuo and Ximen exchanged looked and interestingly watched DaoMinSi.

Lei slowly blinked his eyes. 'Here we go.' He thought.

Shancai shook her head and frown upon seeing the two men fast approaching her and XiaoYu's table.

XiaoYu worriedly looked at Shancai. "Shancai? "

Shancai waved her hand to XiaoYu. "Don't worry, I can handle this." She whispered.

DaomingSi was the first one to reach the table. "Good evening!" He said quickly surprising both women.

"G-Good evening?" XiaoYu greeted back, a bit confuse of the situation.

TianYe ignored DaomingSi and smiled towards Shancai. "Good evening, Shancai. XiaoYu." He said cooly. "You both look great tonight."

Shancai didn't say anything and was just staring at DaomingSi.

"I saw this guy in the elevator." TianYe said, pertaining to DaomingSi. "You didn't tell me that you dated a teenager, Shancai?" He smiled.

Shancai smiled at the statement and looked at TianYe. "Actually I didn't know what came to me."

XiaoYu squinted and disbelievingly looked at her friend. She wouldn't wish for TianYe and DaomingSi to fight at QingHe and LiZen's party.

DaomingSi smirked and stared at Shancai. "I am hot, and you are obsessed with me. That's what." He said confidently.

Shancai frowned. "What obsessed?" She asked irritatingly. "You're the one who crazily followed me everywhere!"

"Yeah!" DaomingSi retorted. "Because you were asking for it!" He added.

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