Chapter 20: Epilogue 2, Our Journey

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ENTWINE – Epilogue 2

[Chapter 20: Our Journey]



The couple stopped kissing and quickly turned to look at the agitated voice.

Lei smiled upon seeing the small nuisance.

"MAMA!" Fai repeated. He then ran fast towards his mother and pushed AhSi away from her. "NO! PAPA BAD!" He accused.

"Ho-ho-ho~" AhZhuang walked closer to the group and watched the drama of her brother's family. "He's so adorable." She commented with a smile. "Fai is exactly acting the way AhSi acted when our mother first brought Lei over." She added with much amusement.

Ximen smiled. "Really, Zhuang-jie?"

Zhuang nodded. "Absolutely! I even have that video of the day he pushed the young Lei of the sofa because he was sitting too close to me. Ho-ho-ho~"

Meizuo and Ximen looked at each other and laughed out.

Shancai picked up her son and pinched his nose. "Fai, stop saying that your papa is bad." She reprimanded. "Do you want papa to go away again?" She asked.

Fai's annoyed face changed and his eyes began tearing. His lips started to tremble. "No!" He said.

Shancai showed her strict expression and stared straight at Fai's eyes. "Then you better be nice, understand?"

Fai lifted his right hand to his face and sucked on thumb. "O-kay." He muttered.

AhSi smiled and walked to stand behind Shancai to look straight at their son's face. "Friends?" He asked with a sweet smile.

Fai nodded cutely and raised his arms towards his father.

AhSi laughed softly and took the boy to his arms.

Fai covered his eyes with his small hands and pushed his head deeper to his father's chest. "Papa not bad. Papa no go!" He declared.

AhSi's smile widened and embraced his son tighter. "Yeah-yeah, I will not go anywhere, son." He whispered on top of Fai's hair.

XiaoYu walked closer to Shancai and reached for her best friend's hand. "Are you okay? How did you know? How far along are you?"

Shancai couldn't help but smile towards her friend's concern and curiosity. "That's a lot of questions, XiaoYu." She stated. "I'm okay. I just found out today because my period is late—"

"I don't wanna know about your period, mama-Shancai! Eeew!" Meizuo teased covering his ears with his two hands.

Ximen laughed at his friend's reaction. "Don't be silly, bro!"

XiaoYu ignored Meizuo's antics and focused her eyes on Shancai, still waiting for her answer.

Shancai continued with a smiled. " –I am late and I've been feeling things that I've felt when I had Fai, but of course, I still need to see a doctor to confirm it, though I am almost sure that I am." She finished.

"And how far along are you?" XiaoYu asked again.

"Oh! I don't know exactly, may be three or two weeks but only a doctor could tell." Shancai answered promptly.

XiaoYu's eyes widened in excitement and held Shancai's hands tighter. "Let's go to the doctor together!" She suggested.

"But..." Shancai smiled awkwardly at her friend. She doesn't know how to tell her the reason. "But XiaoYu..." She tried again.

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