Ch 3: Collide

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[Chapter 3: Collide]


"May I have this dance?"


DaomingSi frowned as he watched Shancai stare into space.

Some things never change.

"Hey." DaomingSi flicked Shancai's forehead.

"Ow!" Shancai jolted and quickly covered her forehead with her hands."That hurts."

DaomingSi smiled and gently pulled her hands down. The action was so natural. His hands acted before he could even think.

She stared at him. Holding her breath. DaomingSi didn't shy away from her gaze.

He remembers the days when they were young and foolish. He knew long before she confessed that she loves him.

That night, on his birthday, when they were standing close to each other on top of his family building. He asked her when she will ever be honest with her feelings. She didn't know what to tell him back then, but he knew.

As he keeps on telling her before. He is never wrong.

Because in his world, nothing is vague. He knows what his heart wants and he will always see what he wants to see. Most people will call that conceitedness but he calls it honesty.

Shancai had always been an open book for him. He never had trouble reading her emotions.

He smiled and pulled her closer. "Miss me?"

His sudden closeness made her step away from him. "Let me go."

DaomingSi watched how her warm eyes turned cold. That was unexpected. He never saw that expression on her before.

He slowly let her go.

Shancai took a few more steps back and consciously fixed her dress and hair.

DaomingSi continued to observe her. Trying to predict what her next action would be.

She's breaking away. He deduced. She wants to control the situation. He can't help but smile at this. She is still the same. Always wanting put up a strong front but actually shaking inside.

"Um..." Shancai cleared her throat and met DaomingSi's eyes. "I'm glad to see you again. You look great. Seems like this Chairman business suits you well."

DaomingSi crossed his arms. "Well, I've always been perfect." He said smugly.

Shancai quickly covered her mouth as she tried to control her laughter. "You wish."

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