Ch 1 : Memories

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[Chapter 1: Memories]



"Are you cold, Fai?" Shancai asked her son.

They just arrived at the hotel and she had started unpacking. The company which made contract with her hospital was nice enough to make her stay in a good hotel. This place even has a crèche. She wouldn't have to worry whenever she has to leave her son to meet some businessmen.

The young boy shook his head and tried climbing on the bed. "No, mama. Fai's okay ~ "

Shancai smiled and walked to him. She picked him up and sat him on the bed. "There you go."

"Thank you, Mama!" Fai smiled sweetly and crawled toward the center of the bed.

Shancai watched the child slowly stand, when he finally found his balance, he looked around the room and started pointing at things.

"Woooow! Mama's room sooo big! Oh! Looka that!" He pointed at the big window in front of the bed. "Sooo many house!" Fai added excitedly.

Shancai climbed on the bed and sat behind her son. She wrapped him in a warm embrace and looked at where he was pointing. "Yes, Fai. Those are buildings."

"Um!" Fai agreed and turned to his mom. His eyes were full of curiosity. "We go there, mama?"

Shancai nodded excitedly. "Yes of course! Then we'll visit a museum and watch street shows!"

"Street-shows?" Fai asked confusedly. His head turning from side to side. Suddenly his eyes brightened up and jumped. "Fai love shows!"

Shancai laughed. This was why she needed Fai here in London. His innocence would help her forget about the painful things this place made for her.

She let go of her son and went back to unpacking her things. Her son found the pillows interesting and started playing with them. He is really enjoying the place.

She totally understands the child. Growing up in a small village in Hunan Province would make the city of London looks like a dream. With its tall buildings, colorful streets and the crowd surrounding it. She really made a good decision of having this trip with her son.

Though they also travel to Beijing from time to time to visit QingHe and LiZen. This trip would be the first time they had overseas.

She stopped unpacking and watched her child play on the bed. Watching him smile always reminds her of 'him'.

She never say his name out loud but she has never forgotten. How could she? When the best parting gift he gave her is someone that she sees every day.

Xin Fai. Xin which means heart and mind. And Fai which means the beginning.

He is the symbol of their new beginning.

Though in Shancai's heart, that love has long ended when they decided to separate, their son, brought her a new beginning. It might not be a romantic love but it's still love nonetheless. Her motherly heart will never feel regretful for having Fai. He is her savior.

Four years ago, they decided to part ways. He decided to save his family and sacrificed their love.

She never blamed him. She had always loved him for his resolute and brave heart.

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