Chapter 19: Epilogue 1, Closure

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ENTWINE - [Chapter 19: Epilogue 1, Closure]


"Argh..." AhSi groaned, slowly waking up from his deep sleep.

He wanted to rub his eyes with the back of his right palm, if only there was no weight stopping him from doing it.

He squinted and opened an eye to look at the weight pressing on the right half of his body.

Upon realizing who it was, his eyes widened and blinked multiple times.

'It's Shancai.'

His brain couldn't believe it.

Just a few weeks ago, his heart and soul both agreed to let her go for good. But look where they are now...fate really has a way of playing on things. It was a great twist.

He smiled gently and stared at the dark hair nestling just on top on his bare chest, just right there, on Shancai's favourite spot.

He could watch her sleep forever.

He grinned when he realized that they are both naked under the quilt. Who knew that someday, Shancai would be confident enough to sleep naked next to him.

Four years ago, even with the thought of it being the last night, Shancai was very shy to show herself to him.



"C-Can you turn off the light, please?" Shancai asked, her eyes looking away from DaomingSi, who was looming over her on the bed.

DaomingSi, who was still high from their intense kisses, seemed like have lost his hearing.

Shancai quickly glared toward the man and shouted loudly. "I SAID TURN OFF THE LIGHTS!"

Her loud voice woke AhSi and immediately jumped off the bed turning off the room's light.

His action made Shancai chuckle.

AhSi and his naive acts.

DaomingSi pouted and walked back to the bed, sitting at one side avoiding Shancai's gaze. "Stop laughing okay, you're hurting my ego."

Shancai bit her lower lips to stop herself from giggling more. "You're so cute, DaomingSi." She commented.

AhSi hastely looked at the woman behind and threw a sharp glare at her. "I'M NOT CUTE! I'M HOT!"

His statement made Shancai snorts and guffaw.

After a while of watching the young woman laughed to her heart's content. AhSi's frown faded and was replaced with a gentle smile.

'I want to remember you like this.' His mind mused. 'Just as happy.'

Shancai noticed the silenced and consciously stopped laughing. She questioningly looked at AhSi. "W-What? Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked shyly.

DaomingSi simply shook his head and crawled closer to the woman.

Shancai's eyes widened and crossed her arm shielding her body from the man.

DaomingSi reached for her arms and gently push them away from her body. "Let me show you how much I love you, Dong Shancai." He whispered, his breath touching her face.

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