Ch 17: Chorus

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"I'm sorry but you can't take him." He explained.

Shancai nodded and closed her eyes. She then buried her nose on Fai's hair and savoring his warmth.

"I know."



[Chapter 17: Chorus]


Fai strongly pushed his mother's head away from him which made Shancai meet his wide eyes. "What is it, love?"

The young boy pouted and his brows furrowed in confusion. "We go now, mama?"

Shancai smiled and pulled Fai back closer to her chest. "You like AhZeLei, right?" She felt her son nodded quickly. "Then you can play with him for now."

"Mama stay with AhZeLei?" Fai asked curiously.


"Of course, Fai."

Shancai looked up to meet Lei's serious gaze. Lei gently shook his head. The young mother bit her lower lip and nodded.

"Mama will stay with you, Fai." Lei said. "You can use the room you stayed at before."

Meizuo stepped forward and gently took Fai from Shancai's hold. Shancai let him took the boy without refusal. She knew that it would be impossible for her and Fai to be together now. "Thank you, Meizuo." She uttered softly.

Meizuo smiled and swayed the young boy in the air. "Let's go play, Fai!" He said excitedly to the giggling boy.

Shancai watched her son be carried out of the room.

Ximen walked closer to Lei and Shancai. "Jing was able to request in the court to have your son stay with Lei for now. With AhSi's approval, the court had no choice but to let it."

Shancai finally met Ximen's eyes. Her face is back to its original expression. Her strong heart is once again in place. "I thank you all for this." She said with a smile. "My heart is more at peace now knowing that he's with Lei than with that witch."

Lei smiled back. "Shancai, are you really marrying TianYe?"

Shancai met Lei's eyes and answered. "Chairman Tian promised that he will let Jing have all the evidences he has against DaomingFeng if I marry his son."

Ximen crossed his arms. "Have you seen those evidences? What if those won't be enough to win your case?"

"This is all I can do." Shancai answered. "Marrying TianYe is such a small price if I could get Fai."

"What about AhSi?" Lei asked. "He could be making his own move as we speak."

"I don't have the time to give him to execute his plans." Shancai said. "His mother is not someone we could ignore. She can simply wave her hands and manipulate the court then take my son away from me. Take him to a place that it'd be impossible for me to reach." She stared at Ximen and spoke firmly. "I know he loves me. He loves our son." She smiled sadly and looked down. "But I will not wish for DaomingSi to betray his mother just to be with us."

"That's not for you to decide." Lei answered.

Shancai once again met Lei's eyes. "Do what you want, Shancai." He added with a confident smile. "Just watch. I'll show you how AhSi will turn things over."

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