Ch 12: Closer

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[Chapter 12: Closer]


Ximen placed his hands in his coat's pocket and smiled at Shancai. "Alcanza Tu Seuño," He said. "Reach your dream." He repeated.

"Your new restaurant." Lei said with a proud smile on his lips.


Shancai stared confusedly at all the men in front of her then to the folder in her hands.

DaomingSi looked up the ceiling and cleared his throat. The suspense was killing him.

Ximen and Meizuo shared a proud smile while Lei just looked at Shancai, his gentle smile stuck on his lips.

DaomingSi as his usual self, can't stand it anymore and abruptly stood up. "Hey! You idiot!"

His loud voice made Shancai looked up and meet his wild gaze; her hands loosened on the folder making it hit the ground.

DaomingSi felt a bit embarrassed for surprising the woman and immediately walked to her. He slowly picked up the folder and offered it to Shancai. "Hey..." He said gently this time. "...can you not space out?" He said with a raised eyebrow.

Shancai once again looked at the folder and then to DaomingSi's face.

DaomingSi was stuck in place. Her face was so hard to read. He frowned confusedly upon noticing her blank stare turning into an annoyed glare.

That look, he knows so well.

An angry Shancai; was the Shancai he is most wary off.

He immediately took a step back quite afraid that he might get hit by the temperamental woman.

Shancai glared at Ximen. "Are you having me on?" She asked angrily.

Ximen shifted his eyeglasses and stared directly to the woman's eyes. "We are busy people, Shancai. The last thing we would want is to play games with a violent woman like you." He reasoned making Shancai frowned harder.

"Right!" Meizuo nodded together with AhSi.

Lei raised an eyebrow and looked at his friends. "Shancai is not violent."

DaomingSi eyes squinted and looked behind him, throwing a bewildered look at Lei. "Huh?!"

Lei confidently met AhSi's eyes. "She's provoked. That's different." He explained with nonchalance.

DaomingSi was about to answer if only not for the depressing sigh he heard. He blinked and once again looked at the woman in front of them.

Shancai bit her lower lip and stared at the folder. Her brain still can't process the offer. 'A business? With me?'

Lei stood up and stood next to Shancai. "Shancai." He called softly. He watched Shancai turned to him and he smiled. "We're friends. Helping each other should be natural." He explained.

Shancai sighed again. Lei's words have always been her savior. If there's one person she could trust with anything in her life, it would be him.

Her guardian angel.

DaomingSi frowned. He could still feel his heart tremble whenever this unusual connection arises between the two.

He took a step forward but he felt MeiZuo's hand stopped him, his friend's hand holding his arm. DaomingSi looked behind him and met Meizuo's serious eyes.

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