Chapter 1: Waves to catch

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"he's doing it! A perfect Superman maneuver.. it's always so heroic if he does it,

isn't it Brian?"

"I have to agree with you Coran. He isn't fan favorite for nothing."

The white haired surfer is loving his life right now. Not because of the fame or anything. It's because he's on the water. He can do whatever he wants on the waves. The fans are cheering for him on the beach and he is here doing what he can do best.

"It looks like he is our winner again Coran."

"Indeed he is, I don't even doubt it. It even looks like the other contestants have given up.. poor souls." Coran looks closer. "Oh but down there you can see some of them even cheering for their competition. Like our Shiro down dare our former champion before him."

"Well he was his mentor.. so he must be very proud."

He looks towards the beach. He can't see a lot, it is pretty far away.. but well why look at the beach when the water is so much more beautiful.

But the water can be dangerous as well. That is something he got to understand that day.
He was just going back to the beach and.. "Brian something is wrong! Something is pulling him underwater!"

It was all so quick.. blood everywhere.. water everywhere. And the pain. It didn't take long for the creature to let go.. but the pain continued. He probably fainted.. or did he not? He doesn't remember.


"Lance you and I both know this isn't going to work."

"Hunk.. shhsst.. She will hear us."

"Lance you have been crushing on her since we first trained at this spot of the beach."

Lance looks at his friend. "You mean I've trained and you ate."

Hunk shrugs his shoulder.
"Can't argue with that."

Lance points at the group or girls jogging down the road. "Look Hunk! There she is." He then stands up and walks towards the group he pointed to.

"You don't even know anything about her!" Hunk calls after him.

But that doesn't stop Lance. The whole plan is to get to know her right. He just has to do a little flirting and for sure he will soon get to know everything about her.. on a date. Cause come on who wouldn't want to go on a date with him.

He walks towards the group of unknowing girls. He looks at his upcoming wife, yes he has already dreamed about how she would look in a white beautiful wedding dress. Her beautiful tan skin.. brown hair with a bit of a golden shimmer through it. Those golden eyes.. big kissable lips, perfect for when there will be said that he can kiss the bride.

He of course will make her life wonderful. Flowers whenever he can give her.. taking care of her even when it gets hard. Kissing her after receiving his price and name as champion of the waves... okay just when he will win the championship.

The girls seem to have noticed Lance walking towards them. Lance is wearing something quite.. as the girls call it.. hot.. It is hot in California so he is wearing a tank top and his swimming trunks.
So the girls start to whisper a little.

Lance notices this and gets even more confident. This means he had a higher chance of getting that phone number.

When he stands next to the beautiful girl he puts on his most charming smile. "Hello.. I'm Lance. And I know exactly who you are, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen."
The girls all start to giggle and they look at the girl who Lance is talking to. "I saw you and thought that if you would look at me my world would stop for a moment, and believe me when I tell you it just did."

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