Chapter 5:

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"Keith are you okay?"


"You are literally shaking.. are you okay?"

Lance takes a step towards Keith.

"What is wrong?"
Keith doesn't seem to be reacting to anything Lance says. Lance is getting worried, he never saw something happen like this in his life.


Lance looks up towards Keith. "No?"

"I'm not okay.."

"Then what's wrong? Do I need to do something?" Lance sees tears forming in Keith's eyes. "Hey Keith.. I can't help you if you won't tell me."
Lance knows that sudden contact may scare Keith even more.. so he slowly only touches Keith's shoulder.

"Don't want to.." Keith says shivering.

"I get that.. just tell me what you want me to do then.." Lance slowly grabs one of Keith's hands.. he can feel that he is shaking.

"Home.. I want to go home."

"I don't know where you live.."
He hopes Keith is still able to give his address.. but it doesn't seem like it. The guy almost can't even move and talk. "I'll take you to my house.. is that okay."

Keith slowly nods. Lance helps Keith walk. He will somehow need to get to Keith's car and drive towards his own house. He came here walking so he doesn't have to be worried about his own car. Keith luckily is clear enough help him now. Like where the car is parked and where the keys are. It doesn't take long before Lance helps Keith who is still shaking into the passengers seat. He then walks towards the other side to step into the drivers seat.

Before he drives away he looks at Keith.. he is quietly staring out of the window not even wanting to look at Lance. Lance looks down at Keith's hands.. they are still shaking.. reason unknown to Lance. He slowly puts his hand on Keith's. "Are you doing any better?"

Keith turns his head towards Lance and he sees that Keith's eyes are watery.. so he is not doing fine. "It's okay Keith.. if you want to cry just do so.."

Keith shakes his head.. he doesn't want to cry..

"Then that is okay as well." Lance whipes away some tears that did escape Keith's eyes. Then Lance starts driving and Keith looks out of the window again.. oh he feels like such a bother right now.


Lance opens the door to his house and lets Keith in. Keith is still quiet and not really saying things to Lance.. so Lance takes the matter in his own hands. He understands that he needs to take initiative now.

Lance walks up to Keith and slowly takes off the too hot for this weather and too hot for this state jacket off of him. That makes him think he maybe just got too hot? Sunstroke?

Maybe  he'll keep it in mind. He slowly takes Keith's hand.. if it isn't sunstroke it could be a panic attack. He knows you should try to be cautious with touching the person or just the person in general.

He then leads Keith upstairs. He sees now Keith is staring at him. "Something wrong?"

"Oh no.. just thank you.."

Lance smiles.. "Never a problem."

Keith gives him a weak smile back.

Lance leads him further and walks into his bedroom. He points towards his bed and says. "Sit.."

Keith does as he has been told and sits down on Lance's bed. Lance goes into the bathroom to grab some towels and clean clothes. As he comes back he dries off Keith's still kind of wet hair. Then Lance kniels down before him and unties his shoes. Keith looks away from it.. he feels like a child.. Lance sees the discomfort. "Tell me when you don't like something Keith.."

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