Chapter 9: No problem bro.

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Oh.. so he is bringing his girlfriend Allura huh.. great it will be nice to meet her.

But why does he feel so weird about it.

Keith stares at the chat.. He has been acting so weird lately.. well he didn't really act normal for years. But he never felt this way.. It feels like his heart is imploding... but that is right now. Sometimes he actually feels heat all up his face and it's like he's nervous, but he has nothing to ne nervous about.

Weird... just weird.

He doesn't like the imploding part..that feels weird and actually hurts kinda in a weird way. The nervous heat isn't that bad, it feels a little nice.

But don't ask him why he has this weird thing. Maybe he should go to a doctor.. this can't be normal. What if something really is wrong with his heart. He hasn't been eating healthy for years now.. oh fuck he doesn't want to have a heart attack or something.

Now Keith decides to do the worst thing he can do. He searches 'why do I get all warm and feels my heart weird.'

Yeah he found some cancer results. But one shocks him more then that.

How to tell you're crushing on someone.

Keith looks at it for sometime but he doesn't click on the website. He thinks it's stupid and even though he doesn't believe in the cancer related stuff he found, he would rather believe that then that he is crushing on someone. Like what the fuck... he and having a crush. Hahaha on who Hunk??? Yeah no.

Or even better. Lance... oh don't make yourself laugh Keith. Crushing on Lance, the Lance. The most straight, in a relationship and totally not interested Lance. Why would he..


Keith was the first one to arrive at the cafe. He just sat down at their usual spot and waited there. Shay isn't working today sadly. He could've talked to someone while waiting if she was here today.

Well he still got his phone and that is entertaining enough.

It doesn't take long though before Pidge walks in. She immediately sees Keith and walks up to him. She begins talking about how great the new gameflux is. She already played some games on it and she thought it was amazing. Keith is a bit jealous she and Hunk have the new gameflux.. but well maybe he'll get it later. He can of course play it at Pidge's house or Hunk's house if he wants to try it out.

"So Keith.. what do you think Allurs will be like?" Pidge asks. Keith doesn't know what to answer really, he never has a judgment when he doesn't even know that person. So he really doesn't know. He thinks She will be beautiful, cause well Lance told them many times how beautiful she is.. And Keith knows she is a lifeguard at the beach. But more he doesn't know.

"I have no idea.."

"Lance seems to be happy with her I guess. And that's what counts."

Keith agrees. That's what matters.. Lance being happy. He hasn't done much good back for Lance, while Lance has helped him so much. So the least thing Keith can do now is being happy for him. Lance had said so many nice things about her.. he told him she was the girl of his dreams. So this must be right

Next to arrive is Hunk. He seems to be extra happy today. Keith doesn't know why but probably cause his best friend is bringing his girlfriend.
"Guy guys! I'm so happy Lance is bringing Allura."
Yuwp Keith was right.. he was happy about that.
"Finally I can judge her if she is good enough for my friend. If not we all know what will happen."

Keith raises a eyebrow and asks. "What will you do?"

Hunk smirks... you'll see.

Wow Hunk.. how dares he make him curious. He doesn't want Hunk to do that thing to Allura, cause that will mean she isn't good for Lance... but now he is curious. "Come on Hunk just tell me."

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