Chapter 3: Friends argue sometimes.

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Keith come to the cafe this afternoon okay?

What.. why?

We're going to hang out there. And you're coming.

Are you sure about that?


Okay.. guess I'll see you later then.

Later mullet!

"Is Keith coming?" Pidge asks.

"Juwp he is. He'll probably be here in a couple minutes."



Keith rushes downstairs just as Shiro enters his house. "Shiro... you really need to stop coming over unannounced.. cause I'm leaving now."

"What where are you going?"

"I have something to do.. I don't sit in my room the whole day.." Keith answers.

"Well you did a week ago.. so not that weird for me to think that." Shiro says as Keith checks if he has his wallet in his pocket.

"Well no time to talk, bye Shiro!"

"Keith? Where are you going!"

"To somewhere!" Keith replies as he walks out of his house.

Shiro is pretty confused now.. like for Keith in the past this was a normal thing, Keith was always busy. But Keith never has any plans anymore.. so Shiro has no Idea what is going on.. He hopes Keith isn't getting in trouble actually now he thinks about it. Keith is the person to get in trouble..

But he does know Keith will get him self put of trouble as well, and come to him if he doesn't.

So it must be fine right?

And who knows maybe it is a good thing why he leaves in such a hurry.. maybe he has a date..

O my god it would be amazing if he has a date with a nice guy.. that could help him so much as well.

Well Shiro doesn't know.. he just hopes Keith will tell him soon if it is important.


Lance hears door open of the cafe and he looks up. He has done this everytime he hears the door open for some time now. But now Keith actually steps into the cafe.
Lance stands up and waves at him, so Keith knows where they are
"Keith over here!"

Keith looks at where the sound is coming from. He sees Lance waving and doesn't know if he should wave back or... not.. or something very diffrent. So he just.. waves softly. It is a bit awkward, but that doesn't matter because they understood that he saw them.

Keith walks over towards his.. now friends he thinks. Or he is misunderstanding this whole situation and they are in fact not friends, what probably is what is going on right now.. But he sees these people as his friends, exept for Lance.. he is a jerk. Okay fine I guess he is his half friend.

Cause Lance is still a jerk.

"Hey.." Keith says.

"Keith good that you're here. We need your help." Lance says.

"What's wrong?" Keith sits down next to Pidge.. who is looking a bit angry at Lance. And now he notices Lance also looking a bit angry back at Pidge. Keith has no idea what is going on.

"Pidge here thinks vanilla is a boring flavour.."

"Cause it is Lance. It is the most basic of the basics."

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