Chapter 11: Meeting.

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"Come on Keith you can do it!"

Keith pushes up the weight that is above him. Damn this shit is heavy. How did he do the daily couple years ago? "How many left?"
Keith looks up and sees Lance cheering him on.

"10 more. You can do it!"

1.. 2. 3 he doesn't feel his arms anymore. 4..5..6 Almost there. 7..8..9
One more! 10

Lance helps Keith with placing the weight on it's standard. "You did great."

Keith rolls his eyes. He sits up and grabs a towel to wipe off the sweat from his face.
"You only say that to make me feel better."

Lance gasps. "I am not! You really did great."

"I only did like 40.. and the weights were on low weight.." He has much heavier in the past. But well you can't just go back to the same level without trying.

"You still did great.." Lance smiles. "I mean when I started going to the gym I couldn't do shit."

"And when I stopped going to the gym I could do much better." Keith says as he puts down the towel. "But I'm going to get there again."

"That's the spirit." Lance laughs a bit. "Lets go train our legs now.. never skip leg day Keith.. just a small hint of the master."

Keith laughs as he grabs his stuff. Going to the gym these past days at least helped him build up a little already. He isn't very tired… yet. "Alright master lets go." Of course he said master sarcastically.. Lance may be very cute but hell no he is master material.

The two men walk towards one of the machines that  you can use to train your legs with and they sit down.  Lance has already great legs… of course Keith has noticed this.. but now he knows why.

Mid training Lance starts to talk.. about everything really. Keith likes this about him.. he's talkative, and it's cute to hear him ramble about everything and nothing. But one thing really catches Keith's attention. "Why did you stop going to the gym?"

Keith really doesn't know what to answer. "I eh.."

"Well many quit so it isn't that weird or anything.

"Yeah.. just you know.. the gym is pretty boring sometimes." Keith lies.. he lover going to the gym. He loved getting all his aggression out of him. He loved it and he needed it for his job.

"Happens to the best of us. Would be great if you kept going now right?"

"Yeah… I'm planning on it yes."

"Great! Maybe we could go together more often."

Lance is so excited about it.. how could he say no? "Yeah.. of course"

This is going to end him..
Exactly then Lance decides to take off his shirt.
Yuwp this will be the end of him. He already was afraid of this.. Lance looks so great… so… hot.
God damn it gayness can you like… go away. At least don't show up for my friend here… not wanting a boner in front of him.

Keith can cool it down and he doesn't get as said boner. But it was close though.

He'll just need to get through this.


Keith and Lance walk towards the men changing room after their workout. Lance of course cracking some jokes and telling stories while Keith just listens.

"So are you coming to watch me this weekend? Like I know you already said yes, but maybe something came up or.." The surfing competition Lance is using as training for the upcoming championship is this Saturday at the beach.. and he really wants Keith to come and watch. Not only for him of course, Pidge and Hunk will be competing as well. "Or you know because you hate surfing and water you changed your mind and don't wanna come."

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