Chapter 6: The perfect date.

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"Allura why are you just telling me this!" Allura's friend Nadia jumps up and down. She always gets excited from good news... okay she gets excited about almost everything.

"I don't know.. I have been busy and didn't know if this guy would give up on me.. you know how other relationships went for me."

"So he waited all this time for a date! Girl he is a keeper! You are so lucky!!" Nadia squeals. She is so happy for Allura.. but Allura is just embarrassed right now. She loves her friend.. but she is a bit extra sometimes.

"And he is very cute.." Allura says with a blush.

Nadia squeals again. "Do you have a picture? Please say you have a picture." Nadia comes closer to Allura as she takes out her phone and goes to Lance's social media. Allura only has to click on one of his post with a picture of Lance and again.. Nadia starts to squeal. "He is so cute! And super handsome! That tan.. that skin.. Allura how are you so lucky? O wait maybe it is because you're so beautiful, of course you get the hot guys."

"But I kept him waiting for so long.."

"That means he is serious about you lura. Keep him!"

Allura smiles.. talking about this all gives her so much more confidence and hope this one will be the one. Even though she is busy a lot of the time.. she really wants this. She wants romance. She wants romance like she had before.

"Lura we need to go shopping for this. You deserve to look the best for this date. Making sure he will fall even more for you." She stands up and pulls on Allura's arm. "Trust me I'll make you the belle of the ball."

"But we are not going to a ball.."

"It is a figure of speech Allura.."


"Alright try this and this, oh this dress is so cute! And try this with those shoes. Allura just look at that skirt!" Nadia walks around the clothing in the store throwing everything she likes on Allura's arms. It is very funny to see Allura carrying the mountain of clothes..

"Nadia... I think we got eno.."

Nadia cuts off her friend. "Allura... you can never have enough clothing while shopping." But not a long time later Allura is standing in a fitting room with the mountain of clothes. She sighs as she looks at everything. She really loves shopping, but this is a bit much.

But she does go on and try the clothes.. she can't dissapoint Nadia now.

Everytime she comes out of the fitting room Nadia has a diffrent reaction. Sometimes good sometimes bad. But Nadia is honest everytime.
Till Allura walks out with a beautiful white dress. Nadia nods and smiles.. this is the one, they won't need to fit more of the other clothes. It fits beautifully with her hair and it is as elegant as she is. Lance will surely fall for her even more when she wears this. "Allura you look amazing in this! So beautiful!"

"I do?"

"Yes girl! This is the dress for sure."

Allura looks in the mirror at the dress and herself. She does really love this dress. Nadia is right this is the one she should take. "I hope Lance will like it."

Nadia steps closer towards Allura. "He won't just like it.. he'll love it, I'm sure of it."

"Lets hope you're right. I'm really hoping this will be serious you know."

"I get it Allura, you really like this guy. Don't worry okay. You're perfect and if this dude doesn't see that he is just weird." Nadia says giving Allura courage she can do this. "How can someone not love you Lura."

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