Chapter 7: Trust me.

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Keith still doesn't know what to expect.. first Lance just wanted to hang out at his house.. but he suddenly changed his mind and he wants to go to the cafe. Like the cafe is fine but.. he was kind of looking forward to just being alone with Lance. Is that weird?

No it just means he finaly found someone he likes to hang out with right? Yeah.. that's what it means.

He just loved being with him before. Lance calmed him down a diffrent way then Shiro always did.
With Shiro he gets the feeling he sees Keith as a child sometimes. Lance made him feel diffrent, but he doesn't know what kind of diffrent.


Keith has no idea. But it felt good.

But he can't complain. Going to the cafe is fun as well. And still.. the coffee there is amazing. He doesn't know how the owner Romelle does it. Shay told them it was her recipe...

Keith stares at his ceiling.. he isn't used to this anymore.. and he is regretting his decision already.
His body is just telling him to go back to sleep again. But he knows he shouldn't. He needs to try.. he needs to try to be better.

Shiro is right about him being diffrent.

And Keith knows he can never be the same again.

But because of his new friends.. and he has to admit mostly Lance, he wants to try again.

Maybe because Lance wants to meet up he wants to try his best even more? He doesn't understand it either so don't ask him why.

Keith looks at his phone 5:30... just fuck that time... he needs sleep.. but he has to. So Keith groans and steps out of bed. How did he do this every day in the past?

Was he crazy!?

Keith really thinks he was.

But he is out of bed now. He walks towards the bathroom that is connected to his bedroom and he washes his face real quick, that does wake him up a little bit.. still tired.. but he's fine.

He looks in the mirror. Yeah he isn't that comfortable with how he is looking right now. Maybe this is for the best. Keith groans, the sacrifices he has to make to feel better. Is it really worth it? Keith looks another time at his belly where in the past where the best abs a guy could imagine.. then he looks at the arms that have no muscle at all. Then he knows it is worth it, and he just needs to man up and do it.

He loved it in the past.. so he can love it again.

Keith goes back to his room. He puts on some sweatpants and a shirt witj short sleeves. He pulls some good sneakers out of the closet and puts them on as well. Keith then goes to his kitchen to grab a bottle of water.

He already packed most of his stuff so he just puts the bottle with the rest of his stuff in a bag and walks out of his house.

Then he starts running. Running as a warm up for the gym he was running towards.

In the past he always did this.
Waking up early. Packing stuff for the gym. Warming up by running with a backpack on his back.. that makes it harder to run but he wasn't going to be lasy and go with his car.. okay when it rained he did. But now it isn't so running it is.

Then he would just go to the gym for some time.

It was different all the time. Sometimes just a hour.. sometimes even three. He has no idea how he did it. Three hours of exercise is a lot.

He isn't going to go all out now though. He's starting simple to work up towards a work out like he had in the past. It will take some time but he knows he can do it, he has to. And you will see maybe he will love it again.

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