Chapter 12: Perfect for him.

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"Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the annual Beach and surfing competition! I am your host Coran and I'll be delivering the commentary today!"

The voice of the commentator is heard through the speaker as Lance walks towards a dressing room for the surfers. He's excited.. he's always excited for a competition. This is where he can show what he can... show that he's a good surfer. The past years he was still learning and trying to get better. But this year he is quite confident. Pidge told him he has a good chance at winning or at least get a high rank. He hopes the first.. but he would be happy with second or third place. If he gets lower, then he would of course be a bit disappointed.. but that's normal.. it's a competition of course.

But if he does get lower that would mean he would need to train extra hard for the championships..

And he doesn't want to do that..

The voice of the commentator goes through all the speakers again. "All surfers please make your way to the dressing rooms. In 20 minutes we will begin with the first surfer. So stay tuned! Get some snacks! and enjoy the show!"

Well at least he is excited.. Lance hopes he is good at his job. He needs to tell everybody how cool Lance's surfer moves are of course.

Lance steps into the building the surfers can stay in to dress up or just relax a bit before or after they are up. Not maybe surfers stay here though.. most go sit with the audience to see their competition. And their family and friends are there so.. it's more fun.

Pidge is already in the building and  sees Lance. "Hey Lance are you ready?"

"I guess so? A bit nervous but I'll be alright."

"And that's fine.. I'm a bit nervous as well." Pidge says. "But hey I'm up as one of the first.. so I'll just get it done fast and the nerves will disappear."

"Did your family come today?" Lance ask.

Pidge grabs her bag and looks for the suit she's going to wear.
"Yup! Didn't see them in a while so that's great. After I did my routine I'm going to sit with them to wait for you and Hunk."

"Say hi to Keith and Allura for me. I'm going now.. good luck Pidge!"

"I will. You good luck as well!"

She leaves towards the woman's dressing room and Lance goes towards the men one. He really hopes Pidge will do well.. She doesn't see her family very often and they can't come to the championships.. so he would be sad for her if she had a bad rating by the judges. Not that he expects them to give her a bad rating.. she is a amazing surfer, and has calculated every move she does.

Lance enters the men dressing room. And sees some of his competition.. and he didn't know the competition would be this hard.

In front of him is Lotor Daibazaal.. And he is good.. really good. Of course he would compete in this competition. "Lance Mcclain. I already expected you.. both Ezor and Axca told me you were competing today."

Lance hopes Lotor won't be too much of a prick.. Okay he isn't a bad guy.. he's just always steals the spotlight. Since Yorak disappeared.. his good friend actually he rose to the top. Only Shiro and Adam were better then him still. Weirdly enough this guy doesn't even talk about Yorak anymore. Some people say he didn't even go and see him in the hospital. But Lance doesn't believe gossip like that.
"And? Is it bad that I am here?"

"No no.. of course not. I'm just looking forward to see how you improved."

Sure.. Lance walks past him. "Same here.. now Shiro won't be here maybe you will get higher then 3rd place."

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