Chapter 19: The end.

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Keith lays down with his head on Lance's shoulder. Lance had invited him to stay over after a long day at the beach. Lance holds Keith close to him and sometimes kisses his forehead. They like to cuddle all the time.. their friends sometimes get a bit irritated with it, but hey they can't complain since they wanted them together in the first place.

But now they are alone.. finally. Keith loves the feeling of Lance's arms surrounding him and occasional kisses. He had wanted this for so long.. and now he has it already for a couple weeks.

Lance McClain is his boyfriend.. Keith smiles at the thought of it.
Lance notices. "What's funny?"


"You're smiling.. what's funny?"

"Can't I just enjoy this moment." Keith kisses Lance before continuing. "I'm smiling because I am happy."

"I'm happy too." Lance kisses Keith back. He means it.. this relationship is the best one he has every had, and yes he can tell that in only a couple weeks. They just have chemistry and go well in his eyes. Hopefully that isn't the honeymoon phase talking. But with Allura everything was so much more uncomfortable.. and here he is just snuggling up to his boyfriend. He really loves it.

They stay there like this for a while. Just cuddles and kisses and nothing more. Keith feels Lance's hand slip into his hair and he immediately relaxes even more. His boyfriend is so good at head massages.
Keith puts his arms around Lance's neck and totally relaxes.

Lance has no idea why it took him this long to finally understand that he likes Keith more than friends. How could he not, look at him. All cuddled up to him and that is so cute. Literally if Keith were a cat he would purr right now. "Keithyy can I have a kissy?"

Keith looks up with a smile and gives Lance a kiss on the lips. Lance smiles into the kiss and holds Keith tight around his waist.

It's a short kiss but a passionate one.
They soon part and looks at each other with a smile. "God imagine me still being with Allura."

"I do not want to talk about that."

"I just meant.. It wouldn't be good.. But now I am with you and I am just happy. Allura was someone I wanted because she was pretty and of course she is nice.. I mean we are still friends with her. But she wasn't what I needed. I feel like we are so different and she wanted other things in her life. She needs someone with class by her side who has the similar goals in his life."

Keith listens to him. "Lance did you love her?"

"I don't think I did.. well during the relationship I wanted to love her badly. But then she didn't even show up at what was important for me.. and I only wanted to be with you and not really her."

"Really? You wanted to be with me and not your girlfriend? Awhh."

"Kind of shitty for her but yeah. I was more excited to talk with you, do something with you. Then I ever with her. Man our relationship should have ended when she told me she thought her study was more important than love.."

"I think you are more important." Keith says with a smile.

"More important than what? You don't study anymore."

"Actually.." Keith sits up with a big smile. He wanted to tell Lance this for sometime now. Lance sits up too to listen. "I signed up for a college.. not far from here don't worry."

Lance's eyes widen. "What! Really?! Keith that's amazing! What are you going to study?? Keith I'm so proud of you."

"I'm going to try doing something with cars and motorcycles.." Keith smiles as Lance hugs him. "It isn't surfing of course.. but since water and all I don't think I would ever come back to it again. So this is something I also wanted to do."

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