Chapter 13: It was bound to happen.

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"This is great.." Allura lays back into Lance's arms. Her books all in front of her on the bed. She's studying for a test that is coming up.. She always does her studying at home at her desk, but after the picture of her boyfriend with his best friend she decided to do it at Lance's apartment.

"What is?" Lance asks.

"Being with you." Allura looks up at Lance

Lance looks away from his phone.. While his girlfriend was studying he was going to just scroll through his social media. Well he was going to but Keith texted him so he has been talking to him instead. "It is.." after Lance says this he sees that Keith actually said something funny and he chuckles. Who would've thought that Keith would say something funny.

Allura notices her boyfriend laughing and asks. "What's funny?"

"Oh.. yeah Keith said something funny just now." Lance answers.

Allura feels her heart sink. "Are you talking to him now?" Really.. now they can finally be together he is texting his bestfriend.. if it is his bestfriend in the first place.

"He texted me earlier asking if I believed in bigfoot. Of course I said no cause come on that shit is so made up. He was a bit offended that I said this so we had a bit of a discussion." Allura looks how Lance is talking.. He seems to be happy. It's weird, he's different when he's talking to her. When he talks to her he's more mature and serious, but when he's with Keith or his other friends he's more fun loving. "But then I said I did believe in aliens so now we are okay again."

"Sounds great Lance.." Allura smiles at Lance weakly.

"Yeah he is.." Lance smiles while looking at his phone.

That isn't what she said.. Lance is for sure making love eyes at his phone right now, Allura knows this since he looked at her like this when they started dating. Did he really stop liking her this soon.. it only has been a couple months. Well she didn't give him much attention while he has spend lots time with Keith. Now she thinks about it the time spent with Keith is really intimate. He is still helping him with his fear for water, that means touches and talking.. praising each other. Of course he's falling in love with Keith, even if he doesn't see it. But he will.. and then he'll break up with her.

Or Lance will forever lie to himself that he likes her.

That feels so wrong...

Lance rests his chin on Allura's shoulder. He tightens his grip on her and asks
"So.. How is it going? Or may I not interrupt?"

Allura loves this.. she loves how he holds her. But it feels weird.. just plain wrong actually. "It's going.. fine.." this is a lie.. it's going horrible. How can she concentrate when she knows the one holding her at this very moment would be better off holding someone else.

Lance places a small kiss on Allura's cheek. "Good.. I'm sure you can do it babe. This test will be as easy for you as all the others."

Allura looks towards her books again.. she hopes Lance doesn't see the sadness in her eyes. And luckily for her he doesn't, Lance just goes back talking with Keith. Seeing the smiles he makes as Keith says something he likes is evidence enough. How could she be so blind before.

Allura grabs her one phone to talk to the only person who knows what to do. She excuses herself and lies she needs to go to the toilet. Instead she is going to ask him for help.

Maybe you were right.

Please help me..

I'm sorry Lura.. want to talk about it? And are you a 100% sure

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