Chapter 4: Slow improvements.

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Shiro is worried.. but also happy and curious. He is wondering why Keith seems to be happier in such short amount of time.. but it worries him because Keith hasn't told him yet what ever happened to make him act more like his past self.

What happened? Shiro really wants to know. Doesn't Keith want him to know?

But anyway he is glad though. A couple weeks ago Keith wasn't doing much in his life. Now he is going out more... he even smiled once. Yes I know, wow..

So something is going on.. and Shiro will find out what.

The reason Keith hasn't told Shiro yet about the new people he met is.. he was afraid the three would leave him. It would've been so stupid if he would've told Shiro he had friends and then the day after they wouldn't talk to him anymore. Knowing himself that is highly possible to happen.

He had some 'friends' in the past.. they didn't last long. They where out for the person people saw him as.. it wasn't because of his personality.

Only Shiro and Later Adam stuck with him.. and he is thankful for that.. very thankful.

It has been a couple weeks now since he first hung out with his new friends.. and they haven't left him yet. So he thinks it would be save now to tell Shiro.

He hopes it is.

Shiro already tried a few times to get the truth out of Keith. But he didn't tell him then.

But now Keith wants to tell him.

Keith has invited both Shiro and Adam over for dinner... he only did this as his old self in the past.. so Shiro and Adam already think this is weird. Most of the time they just walk in here or force Keith to come to their house instead.. but they didn't get invited in years.

It isn't like Keith made a whole meal or something.. he just ordered pizza. Keith never cooks so that is normal.

Keith hands them their chosen pizza and then sits down to eat his own. Adam looks at Shiro and pokes him. He then mouthes the words 'ask him'.

Shiro coughs to get Keith's attention. "So.. you invited us. That hasn't happened for a while."

"Oh yeah.. It has been hasn't it?" Keith replies thinking about how long it must have been.

"And.. is there any reason? Did something happen? Do we need to be worried?"

Adam continues what Shiro wants to say. "Cause most of the time we need to be worried about you."

Keith rolls with his eyes. "You don't have to be worried about me.."

"Yes we do.. Keith you haven't been yourself for years.. you're not the Keith we got to know all those years ago." Adam says.

"Well maybe that me was a fake me huh! I'm definitely myself!" Keith is a bit offended.. he hasn't changed that much at all right?

"I'm sorry Keith.. but I have to be on Adam's side with this. Your passion is gone.. you used to be 24/7 on the beach or in the gym.. you loved that."

He sighs and answers. "I know Shiro..."

"And you where happier.. you loved to be with your other friends." Adam says.

"They weren't even real friends.. Look guys I know.. and I'm trying I swear."

"You are?" Both ask Keith.

"Yeah.. I wasn't a couple weeks ago.. I know. But I'm trying to get out there again. I actually did invite the both of you to say I have found some people I realy like. They all surf not that great for me but you two would like them."

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