Chapter 8: Countdown.

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Lance stands behind Keith and holds him tight. They have been doing this for two weeks or something.. not everyday of course.
Keith needs his rest in between.

Keith looks down at the water. They are standing here for 5 minutes now already and Keith doesn't like it anymore. "Lance..?"


"Can you stand in front of me.. the water it's.."

"You don't want to look at the water anymore?" Lance just understands what he means.. and he gets it.

".. Yeah.."

Lance makes his way to stand in front of Keith now while still holding him the whole time. "You are doing great by the way.. It has been 5 minutes already."



"Wow.. I didn't realize. That's good right?" Keith asks.

"Very good.. do you want to continue?" Lance asks as he looks Keith being really uncomfortable in the water. And he understands. They have been in the water longer then they ever have before now. So it would be logical if Keith wants to quit for the day.

"No.. I don't."

"Alrighty." Lance leads his friend back to the beach and then lets him sit down on one of their towels, he sits down on the other one. Lance looks at Keith who immediately dries his feet with another smaller towel they brought with them. "Still hating it don't you?"

Keith nods.

"That's fine.. it only has been two weeks. But you did improve. You've standed there for five minutes, that's something." Lance sees that Keith keeps drying his feet even though his feet are already dry. So Lance takes the towel from him. Keith at first looks at Lance a bit offended, but then Lance starts to dry off Keith's feet with the towel instead.

Keith doesn't know why so he asks.
"Why are you..."

"You were struggling with it.. so I wanted to help."

Keith just lets it happen now. "Okay.."

Lance continues.. "Look now it is dry. If I'd let you continue you wouldn't stop and you know it."

"I know.."

Lance puts away the towel in a bag they brought with them for their stuff. When he turns his head around he sees Keith still checking if there is any water on his feet. "Keith.. stop. It's dry, trust me."

"Sorry.. I just.."

"I know that you're trying Keith, so don't say sorry."

"I'm sorry.."

Lance looks at Keith with a face that says.. really? So Keith says sorry again. That makes Lance put his hand in front of Keith's mouth, so he can't talk anymore. "Nope not happening."
Lance slowly removes his hand from Keith's face and says. "So.. are you going to do something this weekend?"

"Why you ask?"

"Because I'm a good friend and intrested in what you do with your free time.. duh." Lance chuckles.. "anndd maybe I want to hang out with the group.. and well you're part of our group, so I want to hang out with you too.. If that makes sense."

"I guess it does.. but yeah I'm free this weekend. But don't you have a girlfriend to go too?" Keith asks.

"Yeah I do.. but.." Keith doesn't like Lance looks so down as he says this. "She is pretty busy this week. Work and school you know."

Keith sits a little closer to his friend. "Oh well.. as long as she is worth it right?" Why does he feel so weird saying these things? Well okay it's pretty awkward talking about dating with a straight guy.

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