Chapter 10: Good change, bad change.

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Keith slept at Shiro's house. After last night that was for the best. Shiro of course didn't let him leave, like a good brother. Keith didn't sleep well though. He couldn't stop thinking about Lance, not even in a romantic way.. more like a how am I going to deal with this, way.

He thought his first time falling in love would be very different, if it would happen at all. He wasn't that sure about that actually. But it did... it really did happen.
And he isn't liking it. It hit him harder than it should've had.

The first thing Keith notices when he wakes up is the smile of pancakes.. he likes those...
Keith decides that he wants the pancakes, he is even willing to go out of bed for them... they better be grateful.

Shiro is the first who sees him when he walks into the living room. "Hey Keith.. Adam is making breakfast."

"Nice.. nice." Keith hopes Shiro won't start talking about what happend yesterday. Like he gets it.. he is fucked, can they now quit it.
He just doesn't want to talk about it anymore, yesterday was a good talk and all.. but he doesn't need more talking.

The only thing he needs is those pancakes..

Keith walks towards the kitchen and hopes to find some ready to go pancakes there. And he does. "Hey Adam."

"Goodmorning Keith. I hope you're hungry cause I did my best on these.. and you are going to eat them."

Keith chuckles. "Looks like I don't have a choice then." He grabs a plate full of pancakes and he puts some syrup on them... okay A lot of syrup. It's Shiro's so free syrup. Free syrup is always good.

"Shiro he is taking all our syrup!"


Keith rushes out of the kitchen."already put it on can't put it back now!"

Adam rolls his eyes as he watches Keith walk out of the kitchen. He did look a lot more happier then he did last night, but Adam knows better then that. He knows how well Keith can hide his own feelings.

Adam just hopes Keith will be fine. It was starting to get better.. he doesn't want Keith to do nothing and eat junkfood the whole day like a couple months ago.

Keith sits down at the table. He places his pancakes down and he diggs in. He loves Adam's pancakes... they are the best. He still won't spill his secret on how he gets them this delicious, he says it's a family secrets.

Like Adam.. I thought we were all family, so just tell me.. But no Adam isn't spilling the oh so secret family secret.

Shiro has taken a plate of pancakes for himself and sits down next to Keith. He has not put that many syrup on it, like a normal human being.

They eat in silence.

Shiro wants to have a conversation.. not even about what has happened, just a conversation. But Shiro sees Keith isn't really.. in the mood, and he gets it.. he wouldn't be either.

So they are silent. And Keith is grateful for it.

Adam on the other hand says to break the silence. "So.. what do you two have planned for today?"

Shiro tells about his plans and they all listen. It's not much because he will be training the whole day. Surfing is his job so it's logic that he trains this much.

Adam isn't training as much anymore. He still loves surfing... but he is looking for something else. Change is sometimes good.

As Shiro talks about his training.. Keith looks only at his pancakes. Shiro talks about the different manoeuvres, and how he will do them. But then Shiro sees Keith's reaction. "Oh.. Sorry I shouldn't talk about it while you're here."

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