Chapter 14: Comfort

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Lance hears his doorbell ring. He knows who it is, Hunk told him he would come. But Lance can't seem to stand up.. His whole head is just full and it hurts. Lance's heart is aching and his legs don't work with him.
Hunk knows where the second key of his house is, he'll get in.

"Lance? Lance you in here?" He hears Hunk call for him but he can't say anything back. He wants to.. It's just that nothing comes out when he tries.

Lance feels so helpless right now.. And the worst part is that he's confused. Not about why she broke up with him.. more about what Allura said. He just doesn't get it anymore.

Hunk walks into Lance's bedroom where he finds his friend sulking and drowning in his own tears. He slowly approaches his half dying friend and sits down next to him. "Hey buddy.. what happened?"

Lance can only raise his shoulders to make clear he doesn't know either. Hunk puts his hand on Lance's shoulder to comfort him a bit. "You can tell me Lance.. I want to help you."

"There is nothing you can do.. she's gone." Lance puts his head down on the pillow secretly hope he'll suffocate or something. Okay no he doesn't really want to die but still.

"Can you tell me the reason she broke up with you?" Hunk asks rubbing his hand on Lance's shoulder. He'll make sure Lance is going to eat something soon, he may be sad but he can't skip on eating, drinking or sleeping.

Lance turns his head to the side so he can breath normally again. "She told me exactly what you warned me about. That I was different around her trying to make us perfect." A few tears slip from Lance's eyes again. "I should've listened to you."

"Lance come here.. let me give you a hug." Lance sits up and takes up on Hunk's offer. Hunk puts his arms around Lance and lets his friend cry on his shoulder. "It will be alright. I'm sure you will once look back to this and just know it was okay. You are going to get through this Lance, but of course you may take you time."
Lance just listens to what Hunk is saying. He's so grateful his friend was able to get here so quick. Hearing Hunk talk to him like this calms him down a little. "I know Allura was great.. but she had a point right, changing your personality just to be with her wasn't right."

Lance nods.. he does understand that. He didn't want to see it while he was with Allura, but of course it makes sense. "I just wanted something perfect.."

"I get that.. but Lance is that really possible. A relationship is beautiful and good, but it always has flaws. Even your perfect relationship with Allura had flaws since you weren't yourself. But since me and Shay became a thing I saw her flaws.. but loved them. That's when I knew I really loved her."

"You love her?" Lance asks actually happy for his friend.

"Yeah.. did you love Allura?"

Lance freezes. He.. he doesn't know. Did he? She was nice and beautiful. Kind and graceful. She was everything he wanted, so he must have lover her right? Otherwise why would he be so sad right now. He is crying his eyes out because of her.. That means he must have loved her.. He's sure of it. Everytime she smiled he liked it. And when they talked it was great.

Well.. they never really talked that much. She was always busy.

So wait? Is he or isn t he in love with her.

"I think this long silence suggests that you didn't Lance." Hunk says cutting off Lance's train of thoughts.


"I know you Lance.. If you love somebody you wouldn't need to think about that." Hunk says with a small smile. And he's right, Lance is a loving person. When he loves somebody he wants to show it.

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