Chapter 16: How Yorak felt.

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The championships. A big day for all surfers. Today it is the first round of this championship. Surfers from all over the world came to this city just for this.. Luckily Lance, Hunk, Pidge and Shiro didn't have to travel far this time. A city not far from home was hosting the event. But this championship also takes places in other countries like Mexico, Australia and New Zealand.

Today is the day to shine.
You have to take the spotlight to break through today. Shiro has done that many times over and over again. He has won many of these after number one surfer fell out.

But Hunk, Pidge and Lance need to catch people's eyes. They practiced a lot of course.. So they will be fine.

Adam has decided not to participate this year. He had for many years and got to a good rank every time. But he wants to slow down on the surfing. Maybe he'll participate next year again, but he wants to focus on other things he loves first. He will of course just like Keith support his boyfriend and friends. He will probably shout louder then the whole tribune. Maybe he is even the loudest there.. Okay no, Keith will be the loudest.

Keith is so excited for his friends and brother. This is a big moment.. he knows this. He is terrified of something happening to them.. he is terrified, but happy. He's happy that they are doing this. He will shout the loudest of everybody here. He is just proud of them.

But well.. It is the anniversary of Yorak's accident. And that scares him everytime he has to support a loved one out here. He doesn't want history to repeat itself with one of them.

Keith looks around the place. Some people here are to join the competition and surf. Some people are just here to support. And you have the fans who want to see a glimpse of their favourite surfer. Many people want Shiro's autograph. Lance also has people swarming around him.
No way that he could get in between there.. so he'll just have to talk with them later.

Keith follows Adam to the Tribune. There really are a lot of people here today. Last time he was at the competition it wasn't this busy. Adam and him sit down. They have a great view of the water, so they won't miss a thing.

Adam sees Keith is nervous about this.. he is always nervous when Shiro or now one of his friends surf. But this is the day that Yorak had to quit.
He gets how anxious Keith is.. he really does understand. He hopes a bit of food will calm Keith's nerves.
So Adam pays for the food this time. Then they wait for the championship to start. They know Pidge is first today.

On the other side of the beach the surfers are preparing for their show. Pidge is doing her final stretch moments. Hunk is grabbing his board to check if it doesn't have any casualties. Shiro is still signing autographs and of course people keep asking him about Yorak, he is the only one that knows about him.. well and Adam of course. A lot of conspiracy theories are going around the disappearance of Yorak and they all ask what they want to know. But Shiro isn't ever going to tell them.. he is loyal to his friend.

He has to laugh because of some of the things the people think what happened. Abducted by aliens. He became a merman. Always was a merman.

But some of the theories are making him feel sad. Yorak actually died.. eaten by the shark attacked him. Yorak dying in the hospital. And in some way they are right about it.

As Shiro is talking to his fans Lance is on his way to Pidge. He wants to talk to her before she has to go in the water. Pidge is leaving for the beach right now but Lance catches her last moment. "Pidge good luck! You can do this."

Pidge has to leave right now so she gives him a quick thumbs up and then goes into the water. Lance smiles and goes back to prepare for his own moment to shine. He feels nervous. A lot of people are expecting a lot of him. This is a big competition.. even Shiro is here today. The number one surfer in the world.. he surely doesn't have a chance in making 3rd spot now. Last time was just because he was lucky.

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