Chapter 17: Explaining.

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This wasn't supposed to happen.. this was never supposed to happen.
Why did this happen? Why couldn't he just lived with this secret till he died of something, that would've been better. Now everything will be fucked.. his new friendships will be fucked. His privacy will be fucked.

But he won't be. No way in hell that if there was even the smallest chance of Lance liking him that that would still be there after this. He didn't have any hope but now he is even less hopeful.  Lance will hate him. He lied to him. Well he didn't lie.. but he didn't tell the truth either.

He looks at the article.

-Yorak the famous surfer who disappeared 5 years ago has been seen at the championships surfing. He seems to be friends with the popular surfer Lance McClain since he has been seen more times this year but only now we see who he really is. We got a tip from one of the contestants that he recognized this friend of Lance to be Yorak. We hope to find more information about Yorak.

We do know that Lance McClain got saved by Yorak before pictures where taken. Lance McClain fell in the water and didn't get to the surface till Yorak helped him.

We are waiting for contact with Yorak or Lance McClain for more information. We would like to know more about their friendship and why Yorak disappeared so many years ago.-

Keith doesn't know how to deal with this. Will he have to explain everything to Lance and his other friends? But what if he isn't ready.. cause he really isn't yet. But now he is just pushed into being ready and that scares him.

Keith decides to call Shiro.. he needs someone here to help him. He needs someone who already knew. Maybe Adam can come too..

"Keith.. are you okay? I know you didn't want people finding out." Shiro says over the phone.

"Please come here.." Keith says weakly. He doesn't want to cry but he wants to at the same time. It is a irritating feeling.

"I was already on my way. Hang in there okay. And when Lance or anybody else calls don't ignore them okay? They deserve to know what's going on." Keith knows Shiro is right about that.. but he feels like waiting longer before telling them. He doesn't want to see them and feel like shit.

"I get it.." Keith answers after a couple seconds of silence.

"Good. I'll see you in a couple minutes. Hang in there okay Keith."

"Come quick okay.."

"I will. I'm almost there. Bye Keith."

Then they hang up the phone and Keith waits.. he is actually scared. People will see him as Yorak again.. he doesn't fucking want to be Yorak. This was the reason he never told anybody. He doesn't want to be Yorak.. he never really was. It was a made up name a fake identity. A dead name he never wants to hear again..

He's Keith.. He always has been Keith.

Keith sits down on his couch.. he is stressed out..
Keith puts his head in his hands and just sits there in peace and quiet. His last bit of quiet till the mess begins. Soon the phone calls will starts.. people will want to meet him and interview him. People will love him again.. but they will love the wrong person.

Yorak isn't even someone you should love. That asshole did so many shady things.. but people still liked him every day. He had so many friends but they didn't even visit him in the hospital. Everything was fake about his life. He doesn't even know anymore if the love for the ocean was real.

Maybe it wasn't and even that was a lie.

A couple minutes later he hears the door opening and closing and Shiro and Adam walk in. Keith is so glad to see the only two that were real in Yorak's life. They did visit him after the accident.. they always stuck by him no matter what happened. They are family. "Help me.."

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