Chapter 18 Together at last.

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Lance slowly opens his eyes. He looks around his room for a bit.. He is still half dreaming and taking everything in. He is naked.. but that isn't that weird since he sleeps naked a lot of times.

Wait.. did he dream it? Lance feels next to him. No Keith..
But if felt so real. It couldn't have been a dream right? Lance sits up and doesn't see Keith's clothes on the floor where they supposedly left them last night when they were undressing.
Fuck it really was a dream wasn't it.

But then he hears the door to his bathroom open and he sees Keith with wet hair but already dressed in the doorway. Keith leans a bit against the wall.
Lance doesn't notice he is starting right now. He can't believe that it wasn't a dream at all. Keith is here.. in his room with a blush on his cheeks. They really did it yesterday..

"Hey.." Keith says a bit awkwardly. "Slept well?"

Lance nods. And says quietly. "Yeah.. you?"

Keith walks a bit more into the room. "Good.. amazing actually. I hope you don't mind I used your shower."

"Of course not." Lance doesn't know.. what they are right now. He also doesn't know if it is okay to touch Keith.. like his hand or arm. But he does know that what happened wasn't a dream.

They now just look at each other awkwardly in a even more awkward silence. But after a moment Keith breaks it. "So.. we had sex."

"Yeah.. we did."

"Do you regret it?" Keith asks unsure. He hopes Lance's answer will be no of course.

And of course Lance shakes his head. "Do you?"

Keith shakes his head as well. Of course he doesn't regret it. He has been in love with Lance for sometime now.. how could he regret finally doing this with him.
"I don't either. I really.. enjoyed it. There were some beginners mistakes.. but it was great."

Lance laughs. "Sorry if I wasn't good."

"You were!" Keith says quickly. This all is a bit awkward.. "I eh.. really liked it."

Lance pats the bed. He wants Keith to sit next to him. Keith hesitantly walks to the bed and sits next to him. Keith realizes that Lance is still completely naked and blushes. Does Lance have any shame at all? Well he guesses it's normal since they saw each other naked already. But still this is torture and should not be allowed ever.
Lance doesn't care that he is naked.. Keith has seen it already and will see it again.. well he hopes.
Lance pulls Keith down with him as he lays back down. "I can't believe you didn't wait till we had morning cuddles before going into the shower. Keith.. what the fuck. We need morning cuddles."

Keith is confused. "Sorry? But I thought you just said I could use your Shower. Are you mad now?"

Lance chuckles. "No of course not. Keith I was just joking. I really wanted to cuddle with you." Lance holds Keith close to him.

"Lance..?" Keith says a couple minutes of laying in Lance's arms really comfortable.


"You're still.. not wearing anything."

"I know don't act like you don't like it." Lance smiles at Keith.. it's almost a smirk.. but more loving. "If you want you can just.. undress as well."

Keith blushes really badly. He knows what would happen if he does indeed undress again. "But.. you said yesterday that we would talk about us."

"Prettyy pleaseee I just want you."

"So you can avoid the subject?" Keith frowns. He sits up going out of Lance's arms.

"No.. I just want to not think about it for a little longer and have fun with you." Lance says not knowing Keith really wants them to just talk and know where they are at right now.

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