Chapter 2: Spilled Coffee

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"Shiro what are you doing here?"

Keith was laying in bed when his doorbell rang. With a bedhead and probably still half asleep he went to open it. It was Shiro who was the asshole that woke him up though. He loves Shiro but no... he is not allowed to wake him up.

"It is 2 pm Keith. Why where you still in bed?"

"That isn't your business, I just was and you woke me up."

Shiro just invites himself inside and walks past Keith.
"Well you shouldn't still be sleeping at 2pm. What about your morning routine, don't you do it anymore?"

Keith looks away and answers the question.
"It's not like I need it anymore."

"But you love doing it.. even if you don't need it you said it made you feel great."

"Well sleeping makes me feel great as well." Keith says raising his voice a bit. He is sick of that Shiro needs to bother in his business the whole time. He isn't a child anymore, but Shiro keeps treating him like one.

"Okay okay.. I get it. But now you're awake anyway."

Yes thanks.." Keith replies with sarcasm.

"Now go get dressed and I will make some coffee for us." Shiro says laughing a bit as he looks at the mocking Keith.


"Lance we all know how this ended last time.. don't do this again."

"But look at her Hunk! She looks like a ... a princess. A beach princess... I just got to go to her."

Lance again saw a beautiful looking girl and has 'fallen in love at first sight'. Hunk knows this again wont end well at all if he just goes in and starts with his pick-up lines. He looks past his friend to look at the girl he is talking about. She is indeed beautiful like Lance said she was.
She is a lifeguard and it looks like she is busy, more reason to not interupt her.

"Hunk... just look at the white hair.. the brown skin... the perfection.. the Mrs Mcclain fibe. I just need to talk to her Hunk."

"Lance no.. this will end badly."

"It wont!"

"Yes it will."

"No it wont.."

"Yes.. it.. will."

Lance started to mock a bit. He now is actually considering that it indeed could go wrong again. Hunk is most of the time right so.. maybe this time as well. And just look at the girl that would get away from him.. He just can not risk it. "Then what do I do."

"You need the right moment Lance.. cause now she is busy and she doesn't look like she wants to be interrupted. We know now that she works here as a lifeguard and that should be enough for now." Hunk looked one more time at the girl looking over the sea where people where swimming and playing. "Lets try another time okay."

"If you say so buddy.." Lance says thankful for his friends help.. but also dissapointed he can not talk to the beautiful girl.

"Hey.. lets go get some coffee okay.. to cheer you up."

Lance started to chuckle. "Well that would be one of us talking to their crush today."

"Laaaaannnccee..." Hunk groans..

"It is true isn't it! Shay is working today." Lance is sooo grateful of Hunk trying to help him with the love today.. maybe he will help his friend here too.


"Keith stay here."

"No I'm going out.."

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