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i also hope you guys are oke with the format being in the middle like this (*''*) i like how it also looks XD OKE ON WITH THE FIRST AU YAY

"i was the poor loser you lent your umbrella to, my cat scratched the fabric open and i'm so sorry" au
+ dailyau (tumblr)


pitter patter.

the sound of the rain and the only sound that could be heard throughout the streets of seoul, without the exception of the cars and the bussling of the city of course.

there were many people out and about with their umbrellas shielding them from the rain while keeping warm from the slight chill.

everyone was doing just that except for a certain pink haired boy who was sitting in one of the alleys that scattered around the city with his furry and only companion, his kitty who stayed by his side after the 'incident'.

"yoonji i'm still scared...," the pink haired boy told his kitty, hugging his knees close to try and keep the cold away. "this rain isn't helping whatsoever." the boy pouted and hugged the calico while stroking which earnt him a purr.

"hey, excuse me,"

the boy looked up to see a figure looking down at him while holding the umbrella over him.


"what are you doing out here?," the figure came closer and crouched down with a worried expression.

"slowly about to suffer out here...,"

the other boy frowned and took the boy's hand to place his umbrella into it.

"w-what are you doing?"

"what do you think. i'm giving you this silly."

the pink haired male gave a slight smile before smiling with his eyes disappearing. the other male softly smiled and ruffled the other's hair before walking away into the rain, clothes starting to dampen.

"i didn't even get your name... my name was jimin by the way mystery man." jimin muttered while slowly smiling to himself, the mystery man on his mind.


"yoonji! why did you do that?!" yoonji, looked at jimin to instantly turn away while licking her paws. jimin huffed at the kitty's actions and picked up the ripped fabric with the now hole filled umbrella.

he started muttering incoherent words under his breath when he heard footsteps from behind. jimin slowly turned around to see a person walking up to him.

"did your cat like my umbrella,"

that voice. he recognised it instantly. the mystery man who offered the umbrella. "oh my gosh! i-i'm so sorry! i didn't even get to thank you for your kindness and all i did was destroy it...," jimin looked down with tears slowly starting to form and fall down.

the black haired boy softly smiled and patted his head. "it's okay, really. please don't cry." jimin looked up and slightly smiled.

"if you don't mind me asking, what's your name?"

"the name's yoongi, yours?"

"j-jimin! yoongi was it? it sounds like my cat's! Except it's yoonji."

yoongi chuckled at the similarity of the cat's name and showed his gummy smiled. yoongi took a seat next to jimin and ruffled his hair once again to receive with a blush from the male.

"a cutie like you shouldn't be dealing with all this bull. how about you come stay with me until you get your own?" yoongi offered which the other had a surprised look on his face.

"b-but i'm just a stranger and it would be a hassle!" the black haired male waved his hands slightly and shook his head.

"no, no. it's nothing really. so what do you say."

jimin thought for a few minutes before slowly nodding and giving him a smile. yoongi returned it with the gummy smile and took his hand out to which jimin gladly took it with yoonji nuzzling his legs.

☾e n d☽

i really wanted to make it longer since my goal is to write more but i thought it was better to end it off or else it would just drag on XD i hope it wasn't rushed and what are your thoughts? i would wuv to hear them ^ ^ i'll let you precious go now so enjoy the rest of your day / night!

+ a smol mochi 🌸

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