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we're both sick and we both grabbed the last can of soup in the store au
+ drewbearimore (dailyau on tumblr)


cough, sneeze and repeat.

that was currently how i was feeling at the moment. i hated it so much that i had to go and do something. my first thought was to go back to this one convenience store that i would always go when i was still in school.

i put on a blue fluffy jacket and set off to kim's. once i got there i saw my old buddy working and decided to go and say hello. "hello hyung!" which was then followed by a sneeze.

"oh goodness! jimin did you get a cold."


"goodness. go to the soup section would you."

"o-okay hyung!" i scurried off looking for the aisle and saw only one can of soup left. so i quickly went to grab it when another hand came and placed on top of mine. i instantly blushed and felt how warm the other person's hand was.

"oh sorry. here, you can have it." i heard a raspy voice and saw a black haired male who slid his hands inside his pockets.

"n-no you can have it! i think you need it more than i d- achoo!"

"heh not on my watch you're not. i think you need it way more than i do."

"no here take it!" i placed the can in this hands and walked back to jin hyung. the black haired male then walked beside until we reached the counter. he paid for the can and i softly smiled.

"here." i saw the can again that was in front of me.

"h-huh? isn't that for you though?" the other male shook his head and gave a gummy smile, "i paid for you. not me. so just take it will ya." i didn't want his money going to waste so i hesitantly nodded before taking it and going to the empty seats that faced the windows.

i felt him plop down next to me and we both looked out the window. "it's very pretty out there huh."

"y-yeah it is." i softly smiled to myself and turned towards him. i started studying his features and noticed how soft he looked with his little beanie on and the way he smiled.

"whatchu looking at?"

"your beanie looks really cute on you." i instantly blushed, realising what my mouth just blubbered out. he gave a chuckle and took off his beanie and placed it on my head.

"i think you look cuter." he gave me a pat on the head and got up. leaving the store before turning around and pointed at his head. i frowned, confused at what he meant when i took off the beanie and saw a piece of paper falling out. i picked it up and saw numbers on it with the name min yoongi. i started squealing and instantly added his number and started texting him.

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