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this guy keeps trying to poison you why haven't you had him arrested yet? au
+ dailyau (tumblr)


"yah jiminie! what has gotten into you?!"

i heard yoongi shouting at me to stop and step away from the given food.

"let me eat my food yoongi, what's wrong with that." i knew better though, there was poison in it but i didn't give a care in the world. i was about to start eating when i felt his fingers wrap around my wrist to stop me from further actions.

"what has gotten into you minnie. i'm getting so worried and concerned for you. what's on your mind, please i need to know. i need to protect you." he then held me close which instantly triggered the water works. i couldn't keep it in and i let all my bottled up tears spill out, mostly landing on yoongi's shirt. i could feel him making small circles on my back to hopefully calm me down which for the most part it did, it really did.

i told him everything and his reaction made me feel so bad inside. i should have told him, his job is to take care and protect me at all costs but i didn't let him.

"jiminie. you know damn well that i have to protect you but why? why didn't you tell me all of this. i would have done anything to get those thoughts out of your little head. please don't think like that ever again, you know i'll always be here for you no matter what." he held my hands really tight and looked at me with those pleading eyes of his, i tried to nod my head but i just couldn't for some stupid reason. i started to cry again, why do i always have to cry.

i could tell that yoongi didn't like the fact that i was crying again. yoongi doesn't like when i cry because once he told me that when i cry it makes him feel like he was the cause of it and that he should be making me happy, not sad like i am currently. though when i think about it it makes me feel so, so bad that i'm making him feel like this, i really do hate myself. no wonder it's best that i should leave this world, it's better that way yeah?

"stop thinking like that. didn't i tell you to stop thinking about those thoughts. minnie, listen to me okay? you were made from god for a good damn reason. you're the most sweetest, kindest, adorable, full of heart and everything that's positive. you made this world a better place and you deserve to live so stop with that thinking and see how beautiful you really are. please, you need to continue this life. i'm always here, you know that."

yoongi. are you really telling me the truth? though you wouldn't dare to tell me such a lie. no wonder you're my main reason that i'm still here. while i was still in deep thought i felt something soft crash onto my lips, i look up and saw you kissing me. i was so shocked for a few seconds but i instantly kissed back, savouring every little bit until we parted to get our fresh air.

i touched my lips and started to blush madly while covering my face, turning my back and squealed, hoping yoongi couldn't hear me. i heard him chuckle before then feeling his arms wrap around me making me feel safe and at home.

"so will you stop thinking about the bad and start thinking about the good?" i nodded my head slowly and turned back, giving him a peck on the lips and quickly buried my face into his chest, wrapping my arms around him.

"i'll keep the poison away from you and give you the antidotes which will all be me baby." he kissed my head and started playing with my hair.

☁️ e n d ☁️

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