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i purposely get your coffee order wrong just so you'll talk to me again
+ drewbearimore (dailyau on tumblr)


noisey. that's all i hear in this small cafe. why did i think taking this job was a good idea? i hate being in loud places but i decided that a cafe wouldn't be so bad but i was wrong.

i might as well quit or something but i can't do that. that would be the worst excuse and i need the money, also i'm not bothered to go and wander around stores to get a job.

though the other day i've found something or someone that would actually make me want to keep this damn job. this someone rather, is a male named park jimin.



"welcome to rays of happiness what can i get for you." i sluggishly said.

"well aren't you a ray of sunshine today." i heard a giggle and instantly stood up. it was park jimin. the male that i'm deeply in love with, the one who caught my attention the first time he walked in.

"well don't expect me to be a sunshine anytime soon. anyways what would you like?"

"can i please have a latte." he smiled, making those beautiful crescents.

"coming right up. do you want wait here or be seated?"

"i'll wait." he keeps smiling and it makes me want to break a smile just once. i didn't though. i just nodded and started making a flat white instead. i know he said a latte but that's part of my horrible plan.

"here's your fla- i mean latte."

I saw his eyes looking at the drink. "i'm sorry but correct me if i'm mistaken but isn't this a flat white...?"

damn he's smart. "oh um uh sorry you're right..." i heard his cute little giggle again.

"didn't you also do this again? i asked for a flat white but you gave me a latte," he then started holding his stomach while laughing to death. he remembered and i started laughing, just a bit. "i'll take it anyway though so thank you!" he placed the money on the counter and walked towards the door, before going out he turned around and gave me a heart wih his fingers. i started blushing and just decided to fall down behind the counter, covering my face.


i couldn't stop thinking about him. i wanted to see his face again and have the courage for his number but i couldn't. i'm such a coward, shame on me and my sweg. it's gone now.

i was cleaning and closing up the place when i hear the damn


i grumbled to myself and started cussing under my breath and looked up to see him again. "boo! you happy to see me again?" i looked at him. he was like an angel who came down from heaven.

"uh wh-what are you doing back here?"

"i wanted to see you again duh." i swear, i could never get tired of his giggle.

"why do you want to see someone like me again?

he walked towards me ad slapped me on the shoulder. "because you're like a magnet for some reason. i want to see you everyday and i've been meaning to ask for your number... so can i have it...? please?" he started looking shy and small and i was squealing inside.

"um uh sure! i've been meaning to ask too..."

he looked up and he smiled the biggest ones that i have seen yet. i then noticed something, i was smiling as well. we exchanged numbers and he quickly dashed out of the store. i chuckled to myself and finally decided to finish cleaning up and closing up.

i couldn't wait to start smiling again and talking to the person that i was so in love with.

e n d

i hope i'm not rushing these and that the length of these are oke. if not i'm trying my best for them but i don't know anymore : / i'm probably going to do the next today but it depends if i'm feeling it lol so stay tuned : D

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+ a smol mochi 🌸♥️

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