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hey i have to photograph someone for class will you be my model
+ deliverusfromsburb (tumblr)


last minute planning is the worst kind of plan there is, especially if it might affect your life. i'm doing it right now and i need to think of something fast or else i'm out of there. i was currently wandering around the park hoping to get any source of inspiration or rather someone for the simple assignment i had to do. i was about to give up and just walk home with empty hands until i saw someone absolutely breathtaking.

they had the most fluffiest, pinkest hair in the whole world that you could play with for hours on end and you will never get tired of it. i don't know what made my legs suddenly move but it quickly walked back and towards the beautiful stranger.

i made it towards them and opened my mouth, "hey i have to photograph someone for class, will you be my model?" wow real smooth there min, not smooth at all. they slowly turned around and gave me a look of confusion with those beautiful brown eyes that i swear i got lost in straight away.

"m-me..?" came out a soft voice, a boy around my age but a bit younger who looked around before turning back at me.

"uh i- you don't have to of course, i didn't mean to just come out of nowhere and ask such a question..." i mentally slapped myself and looked away, feeling embarrassed and so, so stupid.

"sure." i turned around to see him giggling away which sent butterflies fluttering about in my stomach. i asked him again to make sure and he nodded gently with that cute eye smile that he had.

"okay so just forget that you even seen me and just act naturally, do whatever you were doing a few minutes ago." i gave him a thumbs up and he returned it with a huge smile, it made me smile as well. i got into position and waited for him to start, he looked up towards the sky moved his arms above him to seem like he was trying to grab ahold of something and it was absolutely adorable.

after several shots taken i decided that it was just enough for my task and so i beckoned the boy over. "wah! you can really take things well! i- oh my gosh i haven't even told you my name yet, how rude of me. my name's park jimin!" he took out his hand which i gladly took and shook it once before replying back.

"min yoongi."

"it was nice meeting you yoongi! but i gotta get home before my parents worry about me so maybe we'll meet again mr photographer." he gave me that smile again before quickly shuffling away, leaving me in a mess.

you're absolutely adorable park jimin.


this was all i could write tonight so i hope this was good enough to read heh but i wuv you all so much beanies🥺

+ you beanies make up my night sky

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