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'Cause girls like you run 'round with guys like me
'Til sun down when I come through
I need a girl like you,
Girls like you love fun, and yeah, me too
What I want when I come through
I need a girl like you.

||maroon 5||√

Clarissa POV

I make my way to my car, its currently 6pm and am trying to balance my handbag on the stack of papers in my hand.

Am almost at my car when Cole catches up to me grabbing the handbag from the stack

I roll my eyes, yea carry just the handbag, what a gentleman I snort

Oh clar, of course am a gentleman he points out happily swinging the bag watching me suffer, what sort of a best friend do I have? Am starting to question my choices

I roll my eyes and open the passenger side of my door, I drop the papers cleaning the sweat from my forehead, Cole hands me the handbag and I drop it in the car also before shutting the door close

I eye Cole, I expect my fresh pizza tomorrow night, I know finally its the weekend.

He shifts from one foot to the other, which means he's nervous about something.

What? I frown

I can't make it tomorrow

My heart sinks in my chest, what why? We don't have work and you promised I pout

I know I know and I swear am going to make it up to you.

I nod, pouting, what are you doing tomorrow anyway? I move to my side of the car and Cole follows behind me.

I have a date with Laurel he flashes me a heart dropping smile

And really my heart drops, the mystery girl? I thought that was me!! I think inwardly

I don't know yet but I made a call later this evening and the girl said she was Laurel he shrugs

I look at him like he's an alien and you believe her?

He nods, she said she's sorry for leaving me like that

And if its her?

We'll talk things out.

And sleep with her I snort.
And what if its not her?

I'll come back to you he sends me a smile

I shook my head getting mad at him all of a sudden he's such a dufus for fuck sake am always the second choice, I'm that girl I want to scream, she's taking my place!!!!

I roll my eyes, fisting my small hands, we both know you won't, even if she's not the Laurel you're looking for, you'll charm her pants off and sleep with her and forget me I slam my door open settling inside


What!!!! I shut my door

Why you mad? he mouths

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