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When did we get so bad at being honest?
You got things on your mind, that you don't wanna say
Thought that we had made a promise
That we would never get this way

||Anne Marie||•√

Clarissa POV

when I get home, I pack up my things and I hear a knock on my door when am done packing, my bare feet pad across the tiled floor and I open the door to a smiling Cole.

Hey, I mumble walking back inside to make sure I have enough for my trip.

You're done packing too he pushes himself on the couch, dropping his bag next to it

I look down at him and try to hold in my feelings which means more crying, I nod silently hoping he would ask why am in a bad mood but he immediately dives into Laurel talk.

I went on a date with Laurel tonight, she was sad I could not bring her along with me to your party

I roll my eyes, walking to my bedroom I remove my clothes wearing my robe and my Bunny slippers I set my bath tub for a warm bath

Cole comes up behind me, she's just perfect.

I roll my eyes still silent, Cole if you would excuse me I would love to have my bath in peace I turn to him.

He nods, when you're out. We'll discuss your party.

I roll my eyes shutting the door behind him I lean on the door closing my eyes for a second, I can feel tears leak through, he thinks she's perfect the total opposite of what I am.

He's meant to find me perfect well the mystery Laurel perfect but now he finds Daniella perfect. She's the perfect painted picture for him not me.

I strip from my robe and soak myself In the water, after an hour or so, I decide to go ahead to Neil's house but I know I have to get rid of Cole first.

I dress in my jeans and a simple t Shirt grabbing my bag I head to the living room where Cole is already lounging on the couch in his boxers watching a football game intently beer and pizza surrounding the table.

Cole turns around staring at me he frowns, where are you going?

Neil's house I shrug my shoulder.

Wait what, we are supposed to head back home tomorrow together he states the obvious

You can always go alone, in fact go ahead and grab Laurel too I say with a sarcastic smile.

He frowns, but you said you wanted her to stay away.

Look Cole, I gulp I have to go and I don't care what you do with miss perfect, just bring my house keys with you when you reach home okay.


I roll my eyes walking to the door closing it behind I walk to the elevator making my way to my car when I'm outside, I lock the door behind me, I look to the doors to see Cole walking out, bag hanged around his shoulder his phone in the other talking with a smile on his face.

I shook my head and back away from the parking lot, I start my drive trying to remember the way to Neil's house.

After an hour from almost getting lost I find his house, the lights are on and I climb out of the car leaving my bags in the car.

I rapidly knock on his door and he opens it up, hey babe I kiss his lips before moving inside.

Are you okay? Neil stares at me with his arms crossed.

I put my hands on my hips with a smile don't I look okay?

He laughs before swinging me around on his shoulder.

Neil I laugh as he walks to the kitchen, I ordered Chinese, you like?

Who doesn't? I smile at him as he drops me on my feet.

We spend the night watching TV shows, hey. Neil I ask him as we cuddle up in bed.


Would you like to come with me tomorrow I ask without thinking.

Really? He sits up

I nod, I need a guest anyway

He bit his lips, that's great I would love to come.

I nod and cuddle up to him once more wondering if I made the right decision.


The morning is uneventful and so is the drive back home.

We finally reach the gates of my parents house.

This is your house, I nod staring at the approaching door there's a unrecognizable car parked near the door.

I wonder if my parents got a new car, I bit my lips thinking out loud.

What? Neil says stopping his car behind the new car.

It's nothing I shook my head climbing out I grab my bag heading to the door Neil behind me.

I open the door and I hear voices and laughter.

I shrug at Neil's questioning look dropping our bags at the side of the door I drag Neil to the kitchen if anyone is with my parents it should be Elizabeth and daddy C.

When I reach the kitchen my breath catch in my throat, my parents and Cole parents are here of course but what makes my blood boil is Laurel and Cole with aprons tied around their waist flour smashed around their faces everyone is laughing at their ordeal.

No one notices me and I feel like junior year all over again, when I was Mrs invisible and the introvert the only people I talked to were Cole and Maria I was invisible and a joke to others.

Mum is obviously the first to notice me. My baby!!!!

Mum I accept her hug only because I really need it or I might end up drowning in my own tears.

Cole says nothing to me still focused on cleaning up Laurel, I understand I ditched him yesterday but he still went ahead to bring Laurel here he should have known I was not serious.

You asked him too and you did bring Neil too my head reasons with me.

I accept hugs from everyone well except Cole who has not spared me a glance and Laurel who keeps on sending a smirk my way.

This is Neil my boyfriend I introduce him to the parents.

I can't believe you and Cole got in a relationship since the last time I saw the both of you, mum pinches my cheek making Neil laugh.

Yea, I nod saying nothing still staring at Cole waiting for him to acknowledge me.

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