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Every time you walk out the less I love you, baby we dont stand a chance its sad but its true.

||Sam Smith||•√

Clarissa POV

I watch Cole as he walks out of my life without a single look in my direction, I close the door behind him leaning on the door I slide down tears clouding my vision, my head pounding as I smack my head on the door over and over again.

I can't believe our friendship just ended like that, like it was nothing, all because of a woman who claims to be me, how did I not see the signs, I should have pushed her away but we let Laurel take over our lives, Cole was my shoulder to lean on and now I have no one.

In just 5 minutes a friendship of 24 years ended just like that, its really surreal, two people who depended on each other, who cared for one another gone like it was never there.

And Cole, he never looked in my direction, like he had gotten rid of me long ago and this was just something to make it official.

I hold my hand to my chest, I feel so empty, it feels better to fight with him and get angry at him and still have him in my life but now I don't have him anymore, he's gone.

I wonder if it would have been worst if I told him I love him and he walked away from me, that would have killed me, I can already imagine Laurel laughing but I won't entirely blame her, Cole, Neil, lies and i kept us apart.

We broke our friendship with our own hands, maybe this was fate, destiny I've always believed in those words especially when it came to my parents and Cole parents.

Fate and Destiny brought them together but they fought for their relationships and look where they are now.

Cole had my heart in his fingertips and he squeezed my heart and stomp on it, throwing it away in a garbage can.

I feel like a part of my heart is missing and it's gone and I don't think anyone can replace it.

I stand up and head to my kitchen grabbing a bottle of Hennessey its for special occasions with Cole, and this is a special occasion, our friendship has finally come to an end.

I take a gulp and I continue not stopping, alcohol can help with heart breaks right, its 4 days to new year and am pretty sure I'll be alone on this one.

My parents have each other, Neil has that girl he was with, Maria has mark and Lilly and Cole God Cole has Laurel and what does Clarissa get she gets to be alone with her bottle of alcohol, happy new year to me I mumble taking another swing, tears still trailing down my face, my eyes drooping the memory of the words Cole just said to me replaying in my mind over and over again.

Alcohol can give me relief and I can drown in my bitterness alone, the alcohol no long stings as it slides down my throat.

Am pretty sure I drink all the alcohol in my cabinets till I decide to sleep.

The next day I decide to do some shopping, I wear my sweater then black hoodie to cover my face am pretty sure I look like a dead hippo, my jeans hug my legs I wear my sneakers grabbing my phone hoping for Cole to call and apologize and I'll apologize and everything will be okay but I know that won't happen, the look he had in his eyes said it all, it's over.

So I grab my credit card and keys and head to my car, I know am not supposed to drive while half drunk but if I black out am scared I'll lose the last memory I have of Cole but that might be a good idea, drink till I black out and maybe just maybe all the memories I have with Cole will disappear.

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