Chapter 1

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We had just finished the photo shoot for our new line of Smosh merch. We had done multiple poses that took over two hours. I was pretty worn out from some of them. The others had done a couple funny ones too. Olivia had clung onto Keith and Shayne and made funny faces. She also did a cute one where she hugged Shayne and for once, he finally hugged her back. I was pretty suprised because on camera they always bicker playfully. I guess maybe times were changing. I was getting a bottle of water off the table in the corner when I saw Shayne and Olivia talking nearby. I grabbed the water and decided to walk over to chat with them.

"Your place tonight?" Olivia said.

"Sounds good, Damien is staying at the office late tonight" Shayne said.

I wonder what they were talking about. I walked up next to them.

"Hey guys" I said.

Olivia jumped a little bit. I guess I must have startled her. Shayne shifted his feet too.

"Uh hey Noah" Shayne said awkwardly.

"Hey" Olivia said awkwardly.

"So what were you guys talking about?" I asked.

"Uh..." Shayne began.

"Shayne was just saying how his friend is in town" Olivia said quickly.

"Oh" I said confused.

"Yeah, he's staying at my place tonight" Shayne said.

"Cool I guess, are you going to introduce him/her to the squad?" I asked.

"Uh... I'll talk to him, idk he's probably busy" Shayne said.

"Oh ok, no worries" I said smiling.

"I gotta go" Olivia spoke up.

"Ok, see you tomorrow" I said.

Olivia began to walk away. I turned around to talk to Shayne again.

"I'm gonna go home too, I gotta pick up my friend" He said.

"Ok, see you tomorrow" I said again.

He nodded and walked away. I walked after him since I had nothing else to do, might as well go home. Shayne, Olivia and I took the elevator down to the parking lot. I waved goodbye as I exited the elevator. As I got in my car I heard voices.

"So your place then?" A voice said.

"My place then" Another voice said.

I looked around to see who it was but nobody was there. Shayne and Olivia must've left already so it couldn't have been them right? I just shrugged it off as it was probably somebody on the street or something. I started the car and drove home while jamming out to some music. Thankfully I didn't have to go into work until later tommorow so I could get some extra rest.

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