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"You guys ready?" I asked.

"Yup" Noah said along with the rest of them.

It's been two weeks since Olivia and Shayne finally told us they were together. Yesterday while snooping through their things I found out it was their unofficial anniversary of when they first started dating. Noah, Keith, Damien, Boze and I were outside of Shayne and Damien's apartment. We planned to suprise them for their anniversary. Damien texted us that he had left the apartment and was waiting outside for us. Now that we were all here, we were going to walk in and suprise them. I can't wait to see their reactions, they'll be so suprised.

"You sure they don't know we're here?" I asked looking at Damien.

"Nope, I left and told them I was going to the office an hour ago" Damien said smirking.

"All right, let's go" I said.

Damien quietly and quickly unlocked the door. Luckily it was dark in their apartment so it was easier to move without being seen. Boze almost tripped over something while we were sneaking.

"Boze shhh!" I whisper yelled.

Boze gave me a sideways glare before steadying herself once again. Once Damien reached the wall he flicked on the light. We all jumped up like we were supposed to. Except they weren't here in the living room like Damien said.

"Damien what the heck? Where are they?" Keith asked.

"They were just here" Damien said confused.

"I-" Noah was about to speak when I heard something.

"Shhhhhhh... Listen" I said.

Everyone got quiet and tried to listen to what I heard. Once everyone was quiet I could tell they were voices. Shayne and Olivia's voices. They were coming from the bedroom.

"Why should I stop?" Shayne's voice said.

"Oh... Fuck... Shayne" Olivia's voice said.

"Do you hear that it sounds like they're fighting or something" I said.

"What!? We can't have them fighting on their anniversary" Boze said and rushed towards the bedroom.

"Boze wait!" Damien said.

As Boze rushed towards the bedroom we all quickly followed behind her. Before anyone could stop her Boze threw open the door and we all stood in Shayne's bedroom. What we saw was not fighting at all.

"Eeek!" Olivia screeched.

"What the fuck!?" Shayne yelled.

Shayne threw the blanket over both of them and covered their naked bodies. Everyone else threw their hands up to their face and blocked their eyes.

"What are you guys doing here!?" Shayne said.

"Uh..... Suprise....?" Noah said.

"What??" Shayne asked.

"I uh... It's your anniversary?" I said.

"How would you even know that?" Olivia said from behind Shayne.

"I might've seen it on your phone when you went to the bathroom..." I said.

"Oh my god" Olivia said facepalming.

"Um it's cool to see you all but could you let us maybe get dressed?" Shayne said.

"Oh sorry yeah" Noah said.

We all just stood there.

"In private?" Olivia said.

"Oh yeah haha" I laughed.

We all left the bedroom and shut the door behind us so Olivia and Shayne could get dressed. Shortly after Shayne and Olivia walked out to the living room hand in hand. They sat down on the couch while we all either sat in chairs or on the floor.

"So how does it feel?" I asked.

"How does sex feel?" Shayne said sarcastically.

Olivia nudged him with his shoulder.

"No I meant your anniversary" I said causing everyone to laugh.

"I guess it's ok" Shayne said.

"Yeah I mean I don't feel any different than yesterday" Olivia said.

"C'mon you gotta tell us, what did you guys get each other for gifts?" Boze said.

"Yeah, spill the beans" Damien said.

Shayne and Olivia looked at each other before speaking.

"Shayne got us a couples massage and dinner tonight" Olivia said smiling.

"Awwww" I said.

"Olivia was in the middle of giving me my present" Shayne joked.

"Shayne!" Olivia said blushing.

"I'm kidding" Shayne said laughing.

"C'mon what did she really give you bro" Noah said.

"Olivia suprise me with two tickets to Hawaii for a week" Shayne said smiling.

"Oh my gosh lucky!" Boze said.

Shayne wrapped his arm around Olivia and she nestled into him. After talking some more and congratulating them on their anniversary Olivia said they had to get ready for their massage, so we all started to leave.

"I'll see you guys when you get back from Hawaii" I joked.

"Haha Thanks" Shayne said and closed the door.


"Tickets to Hawaii??" I said looking at Shayne after he closed the door.

"What? I had to make something up after your so called couples massage" He said.

"At least mine didn't involve flying to another state" I said putting my arms on my hips.

"Liv" He said.

I just stood there pretending to be upset. Shayne caught on and moved over closer to me.

"You know what this means?" He said smirking.

"What?" I said.

"They think we'll be gone for a week" He said.

"And?" I asked.

"We have a whole week off, to ourselves" He said with a glint in his eye.

"Hmm a whole week with no interruptions?" I said catching on.

"Mhmm" Shayne said grabbing the keys.

"Where should we go?" I said smirking.

"If I remember correctly, your apartment doesn't have a roommate" He said.

"This is true" I said grabbing my stuff.

"After you" Shayne said opening the door.

"Thank you Mr. Topp" I said.

"You're welcome Ms. Sui" he said.

Shayne and I went down the parking lot and hopped in my car. We drove straight to my apartment to begin our escapade.

--------------------------------------------------------- Thank you guys for reading! This was one of my favorite books to write so I decided to do an extra chapter! ❤️ I hoped you liked the epilogue! 💓💓

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