Chapter 4

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"Anyone home?" I said loudly as I walked into Shayne and I's apartment.

Nobody answered so I assumed I was here alone. I went to the fridge and grabbed a cold soda. I took a nice sip and made my way to the bathroom. As I shut the door I heard something strange. Sounded like footsteps, but I was the only one here. I grabbed the plunger by the toilet as a faux weapon before creeping to the door. I swung the door open with plunger in hand. I wasn't going to get robbed without a fight. I saw a figure and thrust the plunger. It stuck on their chest before a muffled yelp escaped their mouth.

"Damien!" The figure yelled.

"Shayne?" I asked.

"Wtf dude" He said throwing the plunger down.

"My bad... I thought you were an intruder" I said sheepishly.

There was a sound of a door opening from the living room.

"What was that?" I said paranoid.

"Nothing dude" He said.

I started to walk towards the living room. Shayne grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"It's nothing dude" He said again.

"Shayne I swore I heard something" I said.

I brushed his hands off my arm and moved towards the living room. Before I got there the front door slammed shut. I ran to it and opened it to see if I could catch a glimpse. All I saw was someone with black hair running down the stairs. I decided not to chase them and just count it as a moral victory.  Shayne walked up from behind.

"Did you uh.. did you see anybody?" He asked weirdly.

"Not really" I admitted.

"Oh.. ok.. well at least they didn't take anything" He said.

I nodded and went to the couch to sit down and take a breather. I shifted Because something felt uncomfortable underneath me. I moved over and grabbed into the couch. What the hell? I pulled out one of Shayne's shirts and an earring. I walked over to Shayne's room and threw it in his room.

"Dude can you start cleaning up next time?" I asked annoyed.

"Huh?" He said.

"Your shirt was in the couch dude" I said.

He looked up at me with a blank stare.

"Oh and I don't think you can rock an earring either" I teased tossing it at him.

"I don't know how that got there" He said obviously lying.

"You bring a girl over?" I joked.

"No it must be from that party we had last week" He said.

"Sureeee" I said rolling my eyes.

"Unless you brought Boze over" He said teasing.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I said turning red.

"Uh huh, sureeee" He said shutting his door in my face.

I walked back to the living room as my cheeks return to a normal color. I sat back down on the couch and this time turned on the TV. What an eventful night so far, I thought as I sighed. I would have to start practicing more with the plunger in self defense.

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