Chapter 7

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I yawned while walking towards the break room to get some coffee. I probably shouldn't have stayed up late last night texting Olivia since I had to shoot for most of the day today. I was still pretty tired. After getting some coffee from the machine I made my way back over to the squad room. Keith and Noah were discussing something about music near the window. I took a sip of coffee as I sat at my desk.

"Long night?" Keith asked.

"You could say that" I said putting my feet up on the desk.

Keith laughed and walked to his own desk. Courtney and Olivia walked in and sat at their own desks. Pretty soon Noah and Courtney were taking Instagram videos. Olivia joined in and recorded me rolling my tongue.

"I keep telling you to keep that to yourself" Keith said.

I just laughed.

"The girls must love that" Courtney joked.

"Yeah they do" Olivia said with a grin.

"Huh? How would you know?" Keith asked confused.

I shot Olivia a look.

"I uh- I saw him with a girl the other day" Olivia lied.

"You have a girl!?" Keith said excited.

"Oh my god! You have to tell us about her right now!" Courtney said eagerly.

"Spill the beans dude" Noah said.

"I uh-" I shot Olivia a nervous look.

"C'mon dude" Keith said.

I was gonna straight up lie but I decided to go a different route. Hopefully they wouldn't figure out who I was talking about.

"Fine, fine" I began.

"Well... To start, she's smart, witty, hilariously funny, charming, kind, and feisty" I said.

I saw Olivia trying to hide her flushed cheeks out of the corner of my eye.

"She listens to me, appreciates my jokes and has similar interests" I finished.

"Wow dude, sounds like you really have a thing for this girl" Noah said.

"You could say that" I said.

"Are we going to meet her soon?" Courtney asked.

"Uh probably not" I said.

"Aw man" Olivia said.

"Why not?" Courtney asked.

I finished my coffee and threw the paper cup in the trash can near me. I got up to go to the bathroom.

"I'll be back, gotta use the bathroom" I said.

"Mhm, you're totally not avoiding this conversation" Courtney said rolling her eyes.

I just chuckled and walked out the squad room to the bathroom. After I finished I washed my hands and left the bathroom. As soon as I stepped out of the bathroom door I ran into Olivia.

"Olivia?" I said suprised.

She didn't say anything just gently pushed me back into the bathroom. As the door shut behind us she made sure to lock it this time.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Were those things you said about me earlier true?" She asked.

"Who said they were about you?" I teased.

"Hmph, how would she feel about you being locked in here with me then?" Olivia teased back.

"I don't know, why don't you ask her?" I said.

Olivia laughed and moved closer to me. Pretty soon there was barely any room separating us. I could feel her slow breathing on my chest. I moved to kiss her but she put her finger on my lips at the last second.

"Sorry pretty boy, not this time" She said walking towards the door.

"Why do you have to tease me like that?" I said chuckling.

"I don't think your girl would like us kissing" Olivia teased as she unlocked the door.

"See you tonight" I said.

Olivia winked and then made sure no one was outside before leaving. I waited a couple seconds before leaving to make sure nobody saw us together. I walked back to the squad room and sat at my desk again. Courtney tried to ask more questions but I just smiled and put my headphones in.

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