Chapter 12

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"I'm glad you decided to agree to this" I said as she sat down.

"I was hesitant still first but a friend convinced me" She said.

"I'm happy they did" I said smiling.

The waiter came and took our orders. I got a water and a salad while Olivia ordered the same. Once the waiter left, Olivia and I began to chat.

"So, how was your day?" I asked.

"It was ok, I got my shoot done early do, so I got to relax most of the day" She said.

"Nice" I said.

"What about you?" She asked.

"I didn't finish until an hour ago" I said.

"Aww, well at least you made it to dinner on time" She said.

"Yeah, I've been dying to take you out to dinner" I said.

"I know, I just don't want people to see us" She said.

"They won't, and even if they do, we're just two co-workers enjoying food" I said reassuring.

"If you say so" Olivia said chuckling.

The waiter came back with our food and drinks. Olivia and I ate dinner while discussing upcoming events and trending topics. I let her know about me being out of town this weekend. She was understanding that I had to go but I could tell she was going to miss me. I slipped her hand into mine over the table and squeezed it.

"I'm going to miss you too" I said.

"Do you have to go?" Olivia asked.

"Yes, I have to visit my brothers" I said chuckling.

The waiter came back with the check making Olivia and I unlink our hands quickly. I thanked him as I paid for our meal. After we paid and left a tip, we walked outside and waited on valet. Olivia had to go to the bathroom so I held her purse while she went back inside. While I was wait I heard someone call my name. I turned and saw Noah and his girlfriend walking towards me. Oh shit, what are they doing here? They said hello as Olivia was walking out of the restaurant. I turned Noah and his girlfriend the other way while mouthing to Olivia to walk away. She darted back around the corner as they turned around confused.

"Sorry, I thought I saw a bird" I said.

"You scared of birds?" Noah joked.

"No, anyways what are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"Oh, were just grabbing something to eat" He explained.

"Cool" I said.

"You wanna join us?" He asked.

"Uh sorry no, I already ate and I have to get home" I said.

"Ok, maybe next time" Noah said.

"Ok" I said as they began to walk away.

"Wait" Noah said stopping.

"Uhh yeah?" I said.

"Why do you have a purse?" He asked confused.

"Oh.. I uh was taking it to lost and found" I lied.

"Haha ok, look at good guy Shayne" He joked.

"Haha yeah" I said.

After Noah and his girlfriend went inside, I texted Olivia and let her know they were gone. Olivia came back around the corner and over to me.

"That was pretty close" I said smiling.

"If I didn't know any better, I would think you want to get caught" Olivia said smiling.

I gave Olivia her purse back as her car pulled up. We shared a quick hug before she got in her car.

"I'll see you tomorrow" Olivia said before rolling up her window.

I waved goodbye as she drove away. My car pulled up and I tipped the valet. I got in the car and drove off towards my apartment. Tommorow night is when I would have to start packing. At least I got to spend the day with Olivia before leaving.

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