Chapter 17

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Shayne and I were back at his apartment. Damien was at work but Shayne and I managed to score the day off, so we had some time to hang out and maybe venture into other forays. Right now we were in his bedroom finishing up a movie. After the movie finished I stood up and looked at him.

"Are you ready for the best experience in your life?" I said to Shayne.

"And what would that be?" Shayne asked.

"The superb splendid Sui experience" I said.

"And who would be the person giving the 'superb splendid Sui experience' to me?" He said chuckling.

"The baddest bitch on planet earth, Olivia Sui" I said.

"You've piqued my interest" Shayne teased.

He attempted to grab me and pull me back to the bed but I moved away.

"Not so fast lover boy, let me freshen up first" I said.

"Don't keep me waiting too long" He said.

"I wouldn't dare" I said smiling.

I left the bedroom and went to the bathroom to freshen up a little bit. Once I was finished I decided to get a quick drink of water. I went to the kitchen and pulled out a water bottle from the fridge. I saw Boze standing in the kitchen near the cereal.

"Hey Boze" I said before taking another sip of water.

"Hey Olivia" Boze said pulling a bowl out of the cupboard.

I spit out the water I had in my mouth as Boze dropped the bowl on the counter.

"Wait what!" We both screamed.

"Is everything okay Liv?" Shayne said coming out of his room.

Shayne saw me and then saw the reason why I yelled. What is Boze doing here? Oh shit, this isn't good.

"Boze!" He said startled.

"What are you doing here!?" Boze said startled as well.

"It's my apartment?" Shayne said.

"Ok true.. Wait what are you doing here Olivia!" Boze said.

"I uh-" I started to say.

Luckily Shayne bailed me out.

"Why are you here!?" He asked Boze.

"I uh-" Boze stuttered.

"I'm gonna go" I said trying to escape this awkward situation.

"I'll walk you out" Shayne said.

I grabbed my purse and phone and walked with Shayne outside. This is not how I imagined today going at all.

"What are we going to do?" I asked Shayne.

"Don't worry about it, I'll handle it" He said.

"Shayne I don't know if-" I said.

"It's fine, don't worry, I'll make up an excuse" He interrupted.

"Are you sure that will work this time?" I questioned.

"I'll take care of it, and if not I'll put the blame on me" Shayne said.

"I can't ask you to do that" I said.

"It's a good thing you're not" He said.

"Shayne c'mon, I don't want you to throw yourself under the bus for me" I said.

"I would throw myself under the bus and let it run over me a second time for you Olivia" He said.

"Thank you" I said finally giving in.

"Don't worry about it" He said.

"What would I do without you" I said rhetorically.

"Probably miss out on a lot of crazy sexy makeout sessions" Shayne joked.

"Oh my god" I said rolling my eyes.

"Am I wrong?" He asked.

"I gotta go" I said walking to the elevator.

"Take care" Shayne said.

I nodded and got in the elevator. Once the elevator got to the parking lot I hopped in my car and drove home. Hopefully Shayne's excuse would work. I know I said I was okay with him placing it on his shoulders but I would feel bad if he did that. Once I was home I tried to find things to occupy my time.

Time skip...

My phone buzzed from the spot on the couch next to me. Maybe it was Shayne, hope I with good news. To my suprise it was Boze.

Dang girl why didn't you just say you were planning a surprise party for the squad?

A surprise party for the squad? What was she talking about? Then it clicked in my head. Shayne's excuse. I texted her back something about it being a surprise and she said no worries, that she would keep it a secret. Damn, I can't believe Shayne actually pulled it off. Although I'm starting to worry about my coworkers gullibleness. All I know is I'd have to pay Shayne back door bailing us out again.

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