Chapter 6

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"I'm telling you, I think they know" I said.

"They don't know anything Liv" Shayne said.

I sighed and rolled off of Shayne's stomach and layed down next to him in the bed. Shayne wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close. I rested my head on his chest while he gently rubbed my back. I loved just being in Shayne's arms. I felt like nothing could harm me. We started seeing each other a couple months ago. We had just been joking and messing around like we always do but things got serious. Something just clicked between us. We kept it a secret though because we didn't want to make things weird at Smosh. We were having so many close calls lately though. Shayne kissed the top of my head.

"We have to be more careful" I said.

"Yeah, Damien almost caught you sneaking out of the apartment the other day" Shayne said.

"That was a close one" I said.

"Yeah, I got a plunger on the stomach for that one" Shayne said.

I laughed and poked him in the stomach where he told me Damien hit him with the plunger. He grunted before chuckling.

"Boze caught me coming out of the bathroom that one day" I said.

"And then me right after" He said chuckling.

Shayne stroked his hand through my hair while we just laid on his bed.

"Then there was that time Keith saw us in the parking lot" Shayne said.

"And Noah overhead us after the shoot" I said.

"The thrill of the chase" Shayne said laughing.

I poked him in his stomach again. He grunted before he stopped laughing.

"Are we going to keep doing this?" I asked suddenly.

"What?" Shayne said shifting his head to look at me.

"How long can we keep sneaking around before we get caught?" I said.

"Honestly? I don't know" He replied.

"Thanks for the reassurance" I said sighing.

"Hey, c'mere" He said.

He wrapped me in his arms and rolled me back over him so I was laying on top of him again. He lifted my head up and gazed into my eyes.

"I would risk everything for you Olivia" He said.

"Really?" I said.

"Yes, I would do anything" He said.

"Hmmm so what if I asked you to break your legs?" I joked.

"I would say, thank you" Shayne joked back.

"Oh my god, you're so dramatic" I said giggling into his neck.

Shayne's alarm clock buzzed on the nightstand next to us. That meant time was unfortunately up. Damien would be here soon.

"I guess we gotta get dressed now" I said reluctantly.

"Aw man" Shayne teased.

I rolled off of Shayne again and started to get dressed while Shayne did the same.

"So what's the cover story today?" I asked.

"I'm hanging out with my friend" He said.

"I'm visiting my mom" I said.

"Sounds good to me" He said.

I grabbed my bag and phone after I finished getting dressed. Shayne handed me my shoes and put on his shirt. He walked me to the front door and gave me a kiss goodbye.

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