Chapter 2

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I put Jango down on the ground and led him into the squad room on a leash. Kieth, Noah, Olivia and Shayne were here so I must be the last one to get here again.

"Hey guys" I said.

"Hey" Everyone responded.

I let Jango lay down in one of the beanbags while I sat at my desk. Today we were filming every college party ever. I was reading over the script again before I took a break.

"So how was everyone's night last night, do anything fun?" I asked.

"Not really, just sleep like always" Keith said.

"Same here" Noah said.

I saw Olivia shoot a quick look at something before answering.

"Nothing much, I just watched a movie" Olivia said.

"Oh cool, what movie?" I asked.

"Uh..... I think it was some Nick Cage movie" She said.

"Nice, you must be mad Shayne" I joked.

"What?" Shayne said quickly and suddenly.

"I was just saying you must be mad someone watched a Nick Cage movie without you" I said confused.

"Oh haha, it's fine" He said weirdly.

"Ok..., So uh what did you do last night?" I asked.

"Nothing, I just went to bed, I was pretty tired" Shayne said.

"I thought you were picking up your friend?" Noah said.

"Oh, right, yeah I uh picked him up pretty late so we just went to sleep " Shayne responded.

This conversation was going nowhere fast. I decided to change the topic to something else. Before I could say something Ryan came in and called us to set. Olivia and I got our makeup done before joining the boys on set. After we filmed most of the scenes it was time for the last scene before we wrapped up. I was supposed to look for the bathroom to throw up while passing Shayne and Olivia who are fake making out in the hallway.

"Action" Ryan said.

I ran up up the stairs a couple times for different takes for the first part of the scene. After we were satisfied I did the running past Shayne and Olivia scene. Shayne and Olivia were fake making out in the corner while I ran past. Dang they were really good at acting, I almost forget sometimes they do actual acting jobs outside of Smosh. The third time I ran past them it was like they were really making out, their lips looked like they were actually touching. The fourth take I decided to mess with them. I stopped halfway and let out the fake throw up on their shoes. Olivia didn't like that too much.

"What the hell? These are my actual shoes Courtney" Olivia said annoyed.

"Sorry" I said trying not to laugh.

Shayne put a hand on her shoulder and whispered something into her ear. I wonder what that was about. Olivia turned back to me and didn't look annoyed any more.

"It's ok, it'll make for a funny blooper" She said.

"Yeah I guess so" I said confused.

Why was she being calm? She was pretty annoyed a couple seconds ago. I brushed it off as nothing and set up for the next take.

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