Chapter 8

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"How's Peter?" Olivia asked.

Olivia and I were eating lunch in the break room. I hadn't eaten beforehand so I decided to eat at work.

"Good, we're going rock climbing next week" I said.

"That's sounds fun" Olivia replied.

"Yeah" I said before taking another bite of my sandwich.

"We were going to go with another couple but they had to cancel" I said.

"That sucks" Olivia said.

"Yeah.... Say why don't you and Sam come with us?" I asked.

"What?" Olivia said with wide eyes.

"Yeah, we still have the tickets for an extra two people" I said.

"I uh- sorry I can't make it, I'm busy next week" Olivia said.

"Oh, oh well" I said.

"Thanks for asking though" Olivia said.

"Yeah, well say hi to Sam for me" I said finishing my lunch.

"Uh- yeah sure.." Olivia said weirdly.

"I have to go record, talk to you later though" I said.

"See ya" Olivia said pulling out her phone.

As I walked back to the Smosh games room I thought about why Olivia was being strange. I hope Sam and her are doing good. I haven't seen him around in a couple months and she hasn't been talking about him lately. They probably just like a close relationship I thought to myself. They seem like a cute couple, I hope they're doing well. I sat at my chair next to Damien and set up my camera.

"Say you're friends with Olivia right?" I asked Damien.

"Uh yeah, I guess" He said.

"Has she said anything about Sam lately?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Damien asked.

"Well like anything to suggest that they're not doing good?" I said.

"Not that I'm aware of but you should ask Shayne" He suggested.

"Shayne?" I said.

"Yeah, he and Olivia are pretty good friends" Damien said.

"Ok, thanks" I said.

"No problemo" He said.

"You ready to record today?" I said starting up Minecraft.

"Yup, I made two more tnt over the break" He said smiling.

"Oh my god Damien" I said chuckling.

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