Chapter 3

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"Have a nice day" I told the cashier as I walked out of the supermarket.

As I was walking towards the car I swore I saw Shayne. There was some guy loading his car that looked like him from the back. I decides to walk closer and see if it was him.

"Shayne?" I asked.

Shayne turned around with a box in his hand.

"Keith?" He said suprised.

"Hey dude, what's up?" I asked.

"Uh nothing, just grabbing some snacks-" Shayne said.

"Shayne whats taking so long?" A chirpy voice said.

The car passenger door opened and someone rounded the corner. I was surprised to see Olivia here too.

"Olivia? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I- uh I-" Olivia started to say.

"She's helping me pick up snacks for the squad vlog tommorow" Shayne said quickly.

"Yeah" Olivia said.

"Oh, dang you shoulda asked me, I was just in there" I said.

"Oh well, maybe next time" Shayne said.

"Yeah" I replied.

"Well we have to get going right Shayne?" Olivia said.

"Yeah, we have to drop these off at the office" Shayne said.

"Ok, I'll see you guys tomorrow" I said.

"Great" They both said.

I walked to my Uber to go to Noah's house. I placed my Arizona in the cupholder and put in my headphones. Courtney, Noah and I were going out to a party tonight. I had asked Shayne and Olivia if they wanted to come but they both said they were busy. This past couple of weeks they both have been busy a lot. Shayne keeps saying he has a friend over or that he has to film something for The Goldberg's. Olivia kept saying she was busy with her other friends or hanging with her mom. I just let it go because they were both pretty weird people to begin with. Who knows what they do in their spare time.

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