Chapter 9

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After work I walked into the squad room looking for Shayne. We carpooled to work today so I had to wait on him to finish work. Courtney and Keith left as I walked into the squad room. Noah was sitting in a beanbag listening to music in the corner. Shayne and Olivia were sitting on the couch arguing about something.

"It definitely is" Olivia said.

"No way, they're completely different" Shayne argued.

"How? They're both liquid" Olivia retorted.

What the hell were they arguing about now? Shayne and Olivia do this all the time. Olivia usually says something outlandish and Shayne decides to disagree. I sighed and made my way over to them.

"Yeah but no one likes theirs cold" Shayne said.

"Some people like hot milk" Olivia stated.

At this point I was completely confused. What could they possibly be talking about? I decided to interject.

"Uh what are you guys doing?" I said and immediately regretted it.

"Damien! Will you please tell Shayne that cereal is a soup!?" Olivia asked.

"As I said earlier cereal is not a soup" Shayne said.

"I-" I began.

"See he agrees with me!" Olivia said.

"No way, you agree with me right Dame?" Shayne said.

"I think-" I started again.

"His opinion isn't fair he's your best friend" Olivia said.

"Let's ask Instagram then" Shayne said.

"Guys-" I tried to say.

Olivia pulled out her phone and began to record.

"Cereal is a soup right guys?" She said making a face.

"This is a complete lie" Shayne said making a face behind her.

Olivia finished and posted the video to her Instagram story. Theses two were something else I tell you.

"Now we wait for the results" Shayne said.

"I already know the results" Olivia said.

"Oh yeah?" Shayne said.

"Yeah, they all agree with me" Olivia said.

"Yeah right, everyone knows I'm right" Shayne said.

"Guys!" I said a little loud to get their attention.

"Dang Damien a little loud?" Shayne said.

"Yeah, don't be rude" Olivia said flipping her hair.

I smacked my hand against my forehead in frustration.

"Shayne" I said.

"What?" He asked.

"You ready to go? I already picked the movie out for tonight" I asked.

"Oh, yeah about that" Shayne said twiddling his fingers.

"What?" I asked.

"I was wondering if Olivia could join us?" He asked.

Olivia sank down into the couch next to him. She was probably wondering what my reply would be since everyone knows Shayne and I's movie nights are usually just the dynamic duo.

"I don't know if G-Force is her kinda movie" I said.

"It's okay, you don't have to, I have some stuff at home to work on" She said.

Now I felt a little guilty. Nobody had ever joined our movie nights before though. I suppose one night couldn't harm anything.

"C'mon, you can join us, I need to someone to handle Shayne's crying during the movies" I joked.

"I do not" Shayne said.

"Sureee, tell that to National Treasure" I teased.

"That movie is a classic" Shayne defended as Olivia laughed.

"Do you have snacks or should I pick some up?" Olivia asked.

"Yeah we have some at home and if not we always have some Lucky charms" I said.

"Mm that's my favorite soup flavor" She said.

Oh no.

"Cereal is not soup!" Shayne began again.

"Yes it is!" Olivia argued back.

"I'll be in the car" I said.

Of course they were too busy arguing to hear me. I left the squad room and walked to the elevator to take it down to the parking lot. Wonder how long it will take them to notice I'm gone.

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