Chapter 18

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I went down to the parking lot to retrieve a folder from my car when I heard voices talking. I looked and saw Shayne and Olivia standing by his car talking.

"It's a good thing your seats recline" Olivia said.

"Your comfort is my pleasure" Shayne said smiling.

"Hey guys" I said walking up to them after grabbing the folder.

"Keith!" Olivia said a little loud.

"Haha yeah, it's definitely me" I joked.

"Uh hey dude, what you got there?" Shayne said moving away from Olivia.

"Just some papers Noah asked me to grab" I said.

"That's cool" Olivia said with a weird smile.

"Uhhhh yeah I guess.." I said.

"Do you need some help?" Shayne asked.

"It's just a folder, I think I can handle it" I said.

"Ok" Shayne said.

"See you inside?" I said.

"Yep" They both said without moving.

"Ok... I'll see you up there" I said walking away.

"Definitely" They said quickly.

"Ok..." I said getting the elevator.

As the elevator doors closed I let out my breath. That was really weird. I mean those two are weird but that was weird even for them. I reached the squad room and saw Noah and Courtney. I decided to ask them.

"Oh hey, thanks for the folder" Noah said taking the papers.

"Yeah, no problem" I said.

"Say can I talk to you guys?" I asked.

"Sure, what's up?" Courtney said looking up.

"Have you guys noticed something weird with Shayne or Olivia?" I asked.

"Now that you mention it they have been acting a little strange" Noah said.

"Yeah Olivia's been acting off recently" Courtney said.

"Shayne too" I added.

"What so you think is up with them?" Noah asked.

"I don't know" I said thinking.

"You know what this calls for right?" Courtney said.

"What?" Noah asked.

"Intervention time" Courtney said grinning.

"I love that show" Noah said.

"I'll bring the food" I said.

"I'll bring the chairs" Noah said.

"Cool, let's meet here in an hour" Courtney said.

"I'll bring Shayne" I said.

"I'll get Olivia" Courtney said.

We all nodded and headed off in our separate ways. We used to do interventions all the time when one of us was doing something wrong or feeling down. Why not use one to figure out what's going on with them?

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